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How’s your Church’s YM, in your perspective,
Since I run the program I believe it is going well.

But seriously, when I started the previous DYM took on so much he really didn’t have time to put into the YM. The catechists really made the decisions and he delegated much of the tasks off to them. He is a great person and a hard worker, he just spread himself a bit thin.
The first year I just observed and learned as much as I could. I didn’t have experience in YM, but had many good transferable skills from my previous career. I worked as a social worker and counselor in a state criminal justice system for a lot of years before retiring . My organizational skills, my ability to manage programs, my ability to manage volunteers (catechists), and my deep desire to serve God all came into play. I realized we really didn’t have a robust program and the way we were doing things wasn’t beneficial to the kids.
We were using a good program but the catechists were creating their own lessons that were not engaging, not necessary, or even sound for confirmation.
I had spent most of the first year reading, watching, researching, and learning about what works, finding best practices in YM. The next year I purchased a new program for a fresh start. I then explained to my catechists it was time to try something new. Some have really bought in and some are still resistant. For a couple this will be their last year with me.
What are your thoughts on young people drifting away or leaving
I’m going to simply give you my thoughts on why this happens, as in what we in YM are not doing, my ideas on what can be done about it. As you’ve stated there are many reason a young person my leave the church or drift away.
I think it can be broken down into to major categories: 1. We do not teach the young people how to use the faith. We spend a lot of time showing videos, reading stories, having catechists tell them why something is important and sending them to Mass, telling them to “love” it. 2. They are not being shown that their faith must be a priority over everything else.
For #1 we have to change the way YM is done. It has to something they experience, something they feel, something they encounter. We need to have them experience the Mass, not just go. We need to show them each step of the Mass and explain why it is done, where is it in scripture, how did come into the Mass.