And yet Christianity has not really taken up this policy when it comes to homosexuals!
If you listen to fundamentalists like John Hagee and Fred Phelps and the like, you would certainly be led to think that, wouldn’t you? Guess what? People like that aren’t the measure of what makes a Christian. Jesus Christ is the measure.
The Church expects me to live a lonely half existence in the name of God, or I will face hell.
No. Some people expect that, but the Church certainly doesn’t. Here’s the Church’s prescription for people with homosexual attractions: “Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.”
See the part about disinterested friendship? What is meant by that is that they aren’t interested in gaining anything from you other than your friendship.
Don’t you understand the implications of this doctrine?
I understand the implications of the authentic teachings of the Church. The Church expects you to live a chaste life. The Church doesn’t say that you aren’t to have close friends, even same-sex friends.
I face so much pain sometimes, not because I’m gay, but because how the world reacts to my sexuality!
Baloney! That’s what the gay movement wants you to believe. You are in so much pain because there’s a great big hole in your psyche and your sense of self that wasn’t filled properly when it should have been.
If I love a man, its not hurting anyone!
Depends on what you mean by the word ‘love,’ doesn’t it? It’s possible to love another man in a non-sexual way. In fact, that’s what true friendship is all about.
Let me tell you from experience. Most homosexual sexual encounters are anonymous, not acts of love in a committed relationship. Think you’re going to be different? I thought so, too. I was wrong and you’ll find the same thing.
Yet the Church will refuse to acknowledge our love and will threaten me with hell fire!
The Church threatens no one. The Church warns people of the consequences of choosing to sin and refusal to repent and trust in God.
The Christian position on homosexuality is so toxic and has so thoroughly pervaded the Western conscience that it has destroyed lives.
Yes, people like John Hagee and Fred Phelps and the rest of the religious right’s band of hate-filled wack jobs are certainly no help. Let me tell you…you are NOT predestined to hellfire. You CAN have eternal life with Jesus. He wants you to go to heaven more than you want to go there. The Church wants you to go to heaven. The Church’s position on this topic is the most well thought out, from a religious perspective, that I have ever read. It holds fast to the truths set forth in Sacred Scripture and Apostolic Tradition but in a way that is humanizing and empowering.
You aren’t an animal that has to be lead around by its hormones and instincts. You are a person, a human being who is created in the image and likeness of God…a beloved son of the eternal Father. Within you is an inherent dignity of personhood. Also within you is a deep, aching hole that cries out to be filled (after all, nature abhors a vacuum). That hole is your need to identify with and relate to your own inherent masculinity. That’s what you’re seeking out in sexual partners.
I know exactly how it feels because I’m there, too. I know what it feels like to feel like I’m some sort of outsider among straight men. I watch them and am terrified at the notion of trying to relate to them.
Is it a wonder that nearly 30% of teenage suicides are homosexual?
No, it’s no wonder at all. People who are homosexually attracted are hurting deeply and it’s not society that’s doing it. It’s a hurt that is deep because of that aching hole inside of each of us that is crying out to be filled.