I am actually trying to do this. On my first scripture reflection I ended up talking about Adoration, the Blessed Sacrament, exposition/benediction, very briefly because I knew I had to explain the terms which were part of my example.If you can’t get a Catechism class going, the next best thing would be to do a mini-Catechesis at some point during each BOW, based on the Scripture readings of the day.
This is reasonably simple to do - just take the “key verse” that points to a doctrine, and mention or point out that this verse reminds us that - whatever it reminds us of.
For example, after reading this week’s Gospel reading you could mention to the participants that one of the titles of our Pope is “servant of the servants of God” and that this is because he is the successor of these same Apostles. This wouldn’t take very long to do, and would naturally generate the sort of questions that would allow you to lead them to a deeper understanding of Apostolic succession and the role of the Pope in the Church.
In your case, it may take some creativity, but it is definitely do-able, I think.
This WEd I’m doing next Sunday’s readings: I’m going to talk about confession and this time, give a personal testimony. As we haven’t really discussed confession yet…that topic comes up later, I’m going to have to define a few things; like “in personal Christi” and explain that we are meeting Jesus in the sacrament, and the prest is only acting in His behalf. We confess to Jesus, not to Man, and the priest is acting on Jesus’ authority.
The 2nd reading is about the order of Melchizadeck, so I’m trying to put together a simple (very) explanation, and one of our priests is going to speak in greater detail on Holy Orders–it relates to authority and I"l focus on that. An annointing. Still trying to figure that part out.
Although Confession will come up in detail later, I think it would help to provide a brief description to go with my example, which literaly parallels the Gospel (the blind man).
And yes, I’m finding I have to be creative in doing this, especially because I don’t know everything thus I have to study and try to fit all the puzzle pieces together.