What Should Catholics Call Mormons?

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“Church of Jesus Christ” sounds like a vague and misleading attempt to conceal associations with Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Moronai, and various teachings that deviated vastly from Christianity.
As to referring to the LDS Church as “the Church,” Mormons have long preached that they are of the One True Church. To put it mildly, we Catholics disagree. 🙂
I get what you mean, it is uncomfortable to say Church and think about LDS. Even if we don’t recognise them as real Church or real saints I think it’s not okay to name them just Church. It is how they name themselves, not reality but Church is ONE, Catholic Church.
I call them Mormons because it’s too long to say whole LDS name, plus in my native language it is so long, breaking tongue. I didn’t know they want to be called different way 🤔 They aren’t that loud here.

There are also other “Churches” which aren’t Christian or Churches at all, for example Church of Christian Science or Church of Scientology. Some people are attracted to them or to Mormons because there is “Church” in their name, so it has to be where Jesus is. That is really misleading.
Our parish recently went through a marketing retool. They Chose to go away from the Cathedral of blah blah blah to just “The Cathedral”. The parish staff printed merchandise, told parishioners use that terminology, and well, nobody did. Because it’s dumb. And actually a slight to our namesake patron saint. The funny thing is, it isn’t the most famous “cathedral” in our town. That title belongs to a different denomination’s Cathedral.
In all charity, I don’t care what the CNN article says.

I will NOT call them “the Church” nor the “Church of Jesus Christ;” as both of those are the Catholic Church.

I will refer to them as Mormons or LDS. If someone doesn’t like it, well, I’m sorry.

If I’m ever talking face to face, I’ll use “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” but I will never refer to them as “the Church” nor simply as “the Church of Jesus Christ.”
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Bahahaha! I never understood why we spell it with an R that’s pronounced as an L. #EnglishIsRidiculous
In Spanish we spell it (and pronounce it) “Coronel”.

So what is the right, charitable way to address this faith community while still upholding the tenets of my own faith? Or would you just honor the request and move on?
Latter-day Saints seems to be the most succinct name for members.

On The Church of Jesus Christ website I found this:
When referring to Church members, the terms “members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” "Latter-day Saints,” “members of the Church of Jesus Christ” and “members of the restored Church of Jesus Christ” are preferred. We ask that the term “Mormons” and “LDS” not be used.
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It reminds me of my stint in an evangelical church - everyone trying to create “persecution” where there wasn’t any.
Well, to be fair, I think many religious people (and I’m one of them one) do the same thing. But, Mormons take it to another level.
And ironically their famous choir is still called the MORMON Tabernacle Choir, and there is no sign that they will change that name.
I usually just call them LDS if I have to call them something.

If an LDS person doesn’t like that, then he can speak up and tell me what he wants to be called. If it’s something reasonable (in other words, not Member of the Church or Lord King Most High Babaganoosh), I’ll call him whatever he likes.
I would chalk it up to being similar to calling a transgender person by their preferred pronoun set; not because you agree with it or endorse it, but because you want to respect people and you’ll get a lot farther evangelizing using someone’s preferred nomenclature than by insisting upon using terminology that they’ve asked to no longer use.
There is nothing loving about capitulating to and enabling a fallacy, and a sinful one at that. Yes, it does amount to endorement. If someone is ill and in need of help, it would wrong to support someone’s believe that they are just fine while they are actually dying.
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. . . .

There are also plenty of Catholics who will call a transgender person whatever they want to be called because we don’t think the name is a hill worth dying on for various reasons, such as wanting to follow the policy at work so we can actually get work done rather than start a war there, or because we wish to “build a bridge” with the person as Father Martin would recommend.

Either strategy is an individual choice and I am not judging one or the other, just saying there’s nothing in Church teaching commanding us to do one or the other.
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Much more succinctly put than my reply. Thanks.
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I would add that there are probably two dozen threads discussing that issue already in the archives of this forum. I long since stopped participating in them because everybody just keeps giving their same old viewpoint and after you’ve read about 3 threads you know what everybody is going to say before they write a post.
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That seems like it’d be good for one’s blood pressure to do just that.
So what is the right, charitable way to address this faith community while still upholding the tenets of my own faith? Or would you just honor the request and move on?
I do not believe that we are obligated through charity or whatever other motivation to perpetuate falsehood. The fact of the matter is that the LDS is not the Church, nor are they Christian. They confess an anthropology, soteriology, Christology, and eschatology that is fundamentally different than those proclaimed by Christ and his apostles. I do not think it is insulting therefore to call them by their proper name, as the LDS body or Mormon body. Charity means telling the truth for the purpose of bringing those for whom the Holy Spirit is working within to the true faith. There are real distinctions between the Christian faith and Mormon doctrine and we should not blur the two by allowing them to confuse the issues at question by changing the terminology.
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