Mr. Obama was criticized for the same thing and Mrs. Clinton was just fine with selling nuclear materials to Putin.Mr. Trump’s overly warm and friendly relationship with him.
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Mr. Obama was criticized for the same thing and Mrs. Clinton was just fine with selling nuclear materials to Putin.Mr. Trump’s overly warm and friendly relationship with him.
Mr. Obama was criticized for the same thing and Mrs. Clinton was just fine with selling nuclear materials to Putin.Mr. Trump’s overly warm and friendly relationship with him.
And yet I would say the activities of HUAC and McCarthy were blatant attempts to persecute members of the Communist Party, irrespective of whether any of individual Communist Party member was in fact implicated in any disloyal activities.No, but the Cold War was certainly not a good time to be one here in the US. People were rather understandably leery of it. Communists in the rest of the world gave them good reason to be.
Published on Jun 18, 2012
After a morning meeting, Russian President Putin and President Obama share a laugh at the G-20 opening session.
Actual moles like Harry Dexter White weren’t members of the Communist Party. Others like the Rosenbergs were. The highest level traitors on both sides of the Iron Curtain didn’t advertise their political affiliations, though review of the records of people like Kim Philby certainly revealed sympathies (I suppose 50/50 hindsight is always easy).You’ll have to provide references for that.
Unfortunately the wiki article on the HUAC is basically worthless. It does not describe the procedures (if any - again the Wiki article tells us nothing) for who was summoned to answer charges and on what basis (i.e. evidence) charges or allegations were considered.without evidence
I find it telling that notwithstanding the absence of any association between Sen. McCarthy and the HUAC, the two have been interwoven and made virtually synonymous over time.The committee’s anti-communist investigations are often compared with those of Joseph McCarthy[2] who, as a U.S. Senator, had no direct involvement with this House committee.[3]
This is interesting just as a historical factoid, but I don’t see how it’s at all related to the post you were responding to.Really? US citizens joined sky watch groups sanctioned by the US Government to scan the skies for Soviet bombers during the Cold War in the 1950s. The concern was that they would sneak in below the radar somewhere and destroy targets in the US. Fighters squadrons were ready to scramble should a report come in. People in sky watch were given a number to call to describe what they saw. There were false alarms but if there were good sightings, the jets went up. There was a system in place that included ground and airborne radar, radar on naval picket ships in the Pacific and Atlantic, and radar in Canada, and they had their own sky watch groups which included the Yukon Territory.
Okay. Where in any of this did I say I support Communism? Supporting someone’s right to be a member of any political party they wish to is not the same as supporting the political party.Kim Philby? He was a dedicated spy who betrayed England. He defected to the Soviet Union in 1963.
If you support Communism, that’s up to you. But national survival was at stake. Enemy number one wanted to know our, and our Allies’ secrets. There was no room for hindsight. The US needed good intelligence at the time, as did the Soviets.
I will not defend the US government for wrongdoing. I will also make sure that the record of Communist activities in the United States in support of Soviet aims is mentioned.
True, which was part of the problem and why someone would actually need to be formally investigated to be certain.Doubtless a few, but the real threats to US and Western security were the people who didn’t walk around with Communist Party membership cards in their wallet.
Is someone reading this supposed to do anything but laugh?During the hearings, McCarthy … used the hearings to make charges against nine specific people… all had previously been the subject of charges of varying worth and validity… Throughout the hearings, McCarthy … produced no substantial evidence, to support his accusations.