What should everyone know about Hezbollah?

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Who remembers when Catholic Pat Buchanan, the conservative isolationist politician, described himself as being part of the “Hezbollah wing of the Catholic Church”?

He probably wouldn’t say that these days.
On Lebanon and the Hezbollah:
That the Bush administration has no interest in promoting democracy in Lebanon is clear. Its current machinations are part of a long and ignoble record of supporting every antidemocratic force in the country in order to further its own strategic interest in the region. Its attitude toward Hezbollah is indicative. The party currently has a bloc of 12 members in parliament and is expected to register significant gains in the next election. As the rally in Beirut demonstrated, it enjoys mass support among Lebanon’s Shiite plurality. Yet, because of its opposition to US and Israeli policy in the region, Washington continues to insist that it is a terrorist organization that must be suppressed.

For the most part, the anti-Syrian demonstrations are led by people who are committed to defending the privileges of a small financial elite. They champion a social inequality that is incompatible with any genuine democracy. And they see removing Syria, disarming Hezbollah and drawing in the US as a means of strengthening their position at the expense of the country’s majority.

Bill Van Auken. wsws.org.
Bill Van Auken. wsws.org.
For those who don’t know: wsws.org is the World Socialist Web Site.
For those who don’t know: wsws.org is the World Socialist Web Site.
Thanks for the info. Good to know, and they’re welcome. We certainly get enough links to articles on right-wing websites, we should hear from the leftists as well for balance.
Thanks for the info. Good to know, and they’re welcome. We certainly get enough links to articles on right-wing websites, we should hear from the leftists as well for balance.
Don’t worry, you guys are more than represented on this forum
Don’t worry, you guys are more than represented on this forum
That’s news to me. I know there are a few of us lefties here but we are far, far outnumbered by the rightists.
That’s news to me. I know there are a few of us lefties here but we are far, far outnumbered by the rightists.
We are simply more prolific 😃
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