What should I do during Communion while in RCIA?

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I am in RCIA and I am not sure what to do during Communion at my parish. During the distribution of communion my parish priest allows me to come forward and receive a blessing. I am confused by some posts which say I should not receive a blessing because it could cause confusion. I know that the blessing is not an equal “alternative” to receiving the Lord in the Eucharist and everyone in my parish knows I am in RCIA (not in full communion). I am not sure what to do during the Eucharist, so I stand in the pew and make a spiritual communion and do not go up for a blessing. I do not see a real danger of confusion or lack of reverence for the Eucharist. Because the fulfillment and pastor know that I am in RCIA, can I receive a blessing during Mass?

I’m not sure if the protocol varies from parish to parish, but we were encouraged to come up for a blessing while I was in RCIA. However, we were advised to be sure we got into the “line” being served by the priest, rather than one of the helpers (sorry, I’m sure there’s a better name for them, but you know what I mean).

If I stayed in the pew instead, I would put my “kneeler” up and let the people beside me pass through, then put it back down and kneel in prayer until they came back. Once everyone was settled in, I’d pull the kneeler back out and stay kneeling until the end.

I am in RCIA and I am not sure what to do during Communion at my parish. During the distribution of communion my parish priest allows me to come forward and receive a blessing. I am confused by some posts which say I should not receive a blessing because it could cause confusion. I know that the blessing is not an equal “alternative” to receiving the Lord in the Eucharist and everyone in my parish knows I am in RCIA (not in full communion). I am not sure what to do during the Eucharist, so I stand in the pew and make a spiritual communion and do not go up for a blessing. I do not see a real danger of confusion or lack of reverence for the Eucharist. Because the fulfillment and pastor know that I am in RCIA, can I receive a blessing during Mass?

Since this thread may get moved, I’m going to refer you to the L&S post that bans the topic there. Include are the reasons the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments gave that suggest blessings in the Communion line are not appropriate.

On a more positive note: there was (and still is) a custom of making a Spiritual Communion when one was unable to receive. One missal I have (1940’s St Andrew) has this prayer suggested: “O Jesus, my soul hungers and thirsts after Thee. I long to receive every day Thy most Holy Body. I implore, at least, Thy spiritual presence. I beg of Thee to descend into my soul and give me some share in the infinite merits of Thy death, the memory of which we celebrate in this Mass. Grant, O Loving Saviour, that I may be made one in union with Thee and Thy Mystical Body.”
The moratorium description does not end my confusion on this issue.
  1. The liturgical blessing of the Holy Mass is properly given to each and to all at the conclusion of the Mass, just a few moments subsequent to the distribution of Holy Communion.
  1. Lay people, within the context of Holy Mass, are unable to confer blessings. These blessings, rather, are the competence of the priest (cf. Ecclesia de Mysterio, Notitiae 34 (15 Aug. 1997), art. 6, § 2; Canon 1169, § 2; and Roman Ritual De Benedictionibus (1985), n. 18).
  1. Furthermore, the laying on of a hand or hands — which has its own sacramental significance, inappropriate here — by those distributing Holy Communion, in substitution for its reception, is to be explicitly discouraged.
  1. The Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio n. 84, “forbids any pastor, for whatever reason to pretext even of a pastoral nature, to perform ceremonies of any kind for divorced people who remarry”. To be feared is that any form of blessing in substitution for communion would give the impression that the divorced and remarried have been returned, in some sense, to the status of Catholics in good standing.
  1. In a similar way, for others who are not to be admitted to Holy Communion in accord with the norm of law, the Church’s discipline has already made clear that they should not approach Holy Communion nor receive a blessing. This would include non-Catholics and those envisaged in can. 915 (i.e., those under the penalty of excommunication or interdict, and others who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin)

What does "This would include non-Catholics and those envisaged in can. 915 " mean? Envisaged are those who see something as a possibility, so someone in RCIA is a Catholic envisaged in seeking full communion.

To address point 1: We can never recieve too many blessings from the Lord, they are used to lead us closer to Him.

To address point 2: the priest is the one who is to give blessings during the Mass.

I addressed point 3:I know that the blessing is not an equal “alternative” to receiving the Lord in the Eucharist and this in no way reduces my reverance for the Body Blood Soul & Divinity of our Lord that is full present in the Mst Holy Sacrament.

Point 4: I am not excommunicated not divorced.
You should remember a catholic is subordinate to the local bishop. The Priest is the Bishop’s representative and placed there by the Bishop to tend to you, so simply ask the Priest and follow the instruction.
The moratorium description does not end my confusion on this issue.

What does "This would include non-Catholics and those envisaged in can. 915 " mean? Envisaged are those who see something as a possibility, so someone in RCIA is a Catholic envisaged in seeking full communion.

To address point 1: We can never recieve too many blessings from the Lord, they are used to lead us closer to Him.
Point 1 is the most salient in most cases. The nature of the liturgy is that of a single prayer/sacrifice. The respect the Church gives to it is such that not even a bishop can add or subtract from the liturgy according to his whim. Adding blessings, particularly personal blessings, to the liturgy distorts, if slightly, the lived theology of the Mass.

It appears also (I haven’t looked at this document in a while) that it is considered inappropriate for those in RCIA to come up for a blessing during communion, per item 5 as well.

A side note: Canon 915 in canon law refers to those who Catholics who either through excommunication or through publicly known serious sin, cannot approach the Eucharist (specifically that they must be refused if they do). More commonly canon 916 would apply (we cannot receive in the state of mortal sin).
Point 1 is the most salient in most cases. The nature of the liturgy is that of a single prayer/sacrifice. The respect the Church gives to it is such that not even a bishop can add or subtract from the liturgy according to his whim. Adding blessings, particularly personal blessings, to the liturgy distorts, if slightly, the lived theology of the Mass.

It appears also (I haven’t looked at this document in a while) that it is considered inappropriate for those in RCIA to come up for a blessing during communion, per item 5 as well.

A side note: Canon 915 in canon law refers to those who Catholics who either through excommunication or through publicly known serious sin, cannot approach the Eucharist (specifically that they must be refused if they do). More commonly canon 916 would apply (we cannot receive in the state of mortal sin).
I have never seen this done have you? I know of cases where several of us have visited with a fellow after Mass about this Canon, and the Deacon even stopped communion to ask him if he was sure he wanted to present himself, but I have never seen the refusal. I am curious if others have seen it?
I have never seen this done have you? I know of cases where several of us have visited with a fellow after Mass about this Canon, and the Deacon even stopped communion to ask him if he was sure he wanted to present himself, but I have never seen the refusal. I am curious if others have seen it?
Generally, those who are going to be refused won’t present themselves in the first place (if it is not a case of excommunication then the bishop will have called them in to talk prior to taking such a drastic measure). The cases I have heard of (second hand) have all involved a coordinated protest movement at cathedrals.
Generally, those who are going to be refused won’t present themselves in the first place…
How do you know? I have watched many who live, lived, dated, and even married…alot of other adults receive, it would seem just the annulment process would have slowed them down?
How do you know? I have watched many who live, lived, dated, and even married…alot of other adults receive, it would seem just the annulment process would have slowed them down?
I presume that those receiving should be (keeps my blood pressure down). Generally most people, even if not allowed to receive, would not fall under canon 915 because it is tied to well-known public sinners or those who have a specific eccesial penalty. The few cases I know of of canon 915 being enforced the bishop publicly took steps to attempt to get the people to reconcile (or gave them public warning). Generally the politicians are wary of backlash from a direct confrontation, and protesters are wary of arrest for disrupting religious services, so they wisely don’t approach.
I presume that those receiving should be (keeps my blood pressure down). Generally most people, even if not allowed to receive, would not fall under canon 915 because it is tied to well-known public sinners or those who have a specific eccesial penalty. The few cases I know of of canon 915 being enforced the bishop publicly took steps to attempt to get the people to reconcile (or gave them public warning). Generally the politicians are wary of backlash from a direct confrontation, and protesters are wary of arrest for disrupting religious services, so they wisely don’t approach.
I do know of public warnings and have heard (and believe) the Bishops have on occassion written personal letters informing certain people to repent prior to receiving but I know of no cases since the schism of refusal
=Lead Me Home;6853520]I am in RCIA and I am not sure what to do during Communion at my parish. During the distribution of communion my parish priest allows me to come forward and receive a blessing. I am confused by some posts which say I should not receive a blessing because it could cause confusion. I know that the blessing is not an equal “alternative” to receiving the Lord in the Eucharist and everyone in my parish knows I am in RCIA (not in full communion). I am not sure what to do during the Eucharist, so I stand in the pew and make a spiritual communion and do not go up for a blessing. I do not see a real danger of confusion or lack of reverence for the Eucharist. Because the fulfillment and pastor know that I am in RCIA, can I receive a blessing during Mass?
Talk to jesus REALLY, Truly and Sbstanualy present before you. Let Him Know how grateful you are to be in His Divine Presence; anhoe mcuh you look forward to being able to receive Him!

As for the blessing; ask your pastor. Some do, some don’t.

Love and prayers,
I don’t go up. I just stay in the pew and pray. I consider just being at mass a blessing and am willing to wait till the proper time for communion. If you are really wishing to go up I would talk to your local priest and see what he says
I am in RCIA and I am not sure what to do during Communion at my parish. During the distribution of communion my parish priest allows me to come forward and receive a blessing. I am confused by some posts which say I should not receive a blessing because it could cause confusion. I know that the blessing is not an equal “alternative” to receiving the Lord in the Eucharist and everyone in my parish knows I am in RCIA (not in full communion). I am not sure what to do during the Eucharist, so I stand in the pew and make a spiritual communion and do not go up for a blessing. I do not see a real danger of confusion or lack of reverence for the Eucharist. Because the fulfillment and pastor know that I am in RCIA, can I receive a blessing during Mass?

Do what I did when I was in RCIA many years ago. Just sit in your pew and pray an Act of Spiritual Communion.

Act of Spiritual Communion
by St. Alphonsus Liguori (A.D. 1696-1787)

My Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things and I desire Thee in my soul. Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though thou wert already there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; permit not that I should ever be separated from Thee.

Also, you may be interested in some of these materials as well since you will be in RCIA.

I like to recommend the RCIA programs that I offer through my website, CatechisimClass.com.

The RCIA programs consists of 6 series and after you read through them all and complete the online quizes, you will understand the Catholic Faith. The series are as follows:
  1. Old Testament
  2. New Testament
  3. Life of Christ (aka Rosary Mysteries)
  4. The Creed
  5. The Sacraments
  6. The Mass
Here is a link to our lessons. The top one is the Adult Program which is our RCIA program: catechismclass.com/lessons

When you are ready I also encourage you to purchase the special lessons to prepare you to receive the Sacraments: catechismclass.com/series/6
When you are ready I also encourage you to purchase the special lessons to prepare you to receive the Sacraments:

Purchasing this guy’s “special lessons” is not tied to RCIA. Go to your parish where they will prepare you for the sacraments AT NO CHARGE.

Purchasing this guy’s “special lessons” is not tied to RCIA. Go to your parish where they will prepare you for the sacraments AT NO CHARGE.
Hey! Wait a minute! I’m not saying that the Sacraments cost anything. I am saying that I offer catechism lessons to help people understand the Sacraments and the Faith so as to be in a better state to enter the Church.

Many parishes and bishops use my products. catechismclass.com/endorsements

I offer products that compete with Ignatius Press and other similar publishers.
Do what I did when I was in RCIA many years ago. Just sit in your pew and pray an Act of Spiritual Communion.

Act of Spiritual Communion
by St. Alphonsus Liguori (A.D. 1696-1787)

My Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things and I desire Thee in my soul. Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though thou wert already there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; permit not that I should ever be separated from Thee. …
could you document the actual church teaching on that?
I am in RCIA and I am not sure what to do during Communion at my parish. During the distribution of communion my parish priest allows me to come forward and receive a blessing. I am confused by some posts which say I should not receive a blessing because it could cause confusion. I know that the blessing is not an equal “alternative” to receiving the Lord in the Eucharist and everyone in my parish knows I am in RCIA (not in full communion). I am not sure what to do during the Eucharist, so I stand in the pew and make a spiritual communion and do not go up for a blessing. I do not see a real danger of confusion or lack of reverence for the Eucharist. Because the fulfillment and pastor know that I am in RCIA, can I receive a blessing during Mass?

  1. Continue to make a Spiritual Communion
  2. Remain focued on God NOT what’s going on around you
  3. If your at the end of the pew: I suggest you kneel as you are in the very REAL Presence of our God. Keeling is a Latria Position of worship worthy of God. Remain kneeling until the priest celebrant sits down.
  4. Talk to Jesus; let Him know how anxious you are to receive Him; THANK HIM REPEATEDLY for the Graces he is giving to you.

Love and prayers,
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