Dear friend, trust in God. Try explaining to your parents your faith. Pray for God’s help and mercy. Pray that He enlightens your family. Islam is a false religion, it denies Christ as God and His sacrifice. That is a horrible, horrible error. While there may be similarities, remember, Islam is false and heretical. Pray to God, trust in Him. And, dear friend, remember us also in your prayers, that God has mercy upon all of us, and that He helps us all to be better.
Do not be deceived by the Quran. Do not accept Allah as your God, but the Most Holy Trinity. And accept Christ’s sacrifice. Remember, the world is against God, and Islam is of the world. Christ is our strenght, our hope. And we also have our dear Mother Mary. Ask for her protection and her prayers for yourself, your family and all of us.
God be with you, and remember, stand fast in our Lord. Without Christ, we are nothing. Talk with your parents with love and humility, but with deep trust and firmness in your trust and love towards Christ.