What sinners would Jesus be eating with now?

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Perhaps those who, despite a somewhat disordered life, in the end, however, still have the willingness to convert.
This thing, however, only He can know, we cannot know it.

It’s my idea huh? You don’t have to take me too seriously 🙂

But it is a nice topic, it speaks of Jesus.
None. He would be getting take-out or drive thru due to Covid restrictions. 😉
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Thanks I was just building of today’s reading. It had me curious on what the translation would be today.
None. He would be getting take-out or drive thru due to Covid restrictions. 😉
Now, now! Aren’t we the funny one! The nice thing is, God also has a sense of humor, and I suspect He laughs often.

Now, if He would just rid us of this pesky virus!
Christ ate with Pharisees, tax-collectors, and prostitutes. He healed the daughters of rabbis as well as pagan women and the servants of Centurions. He asked God the Father to forgive His executioners midway through His own execution.
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I am very uncomfortable describing any person in the word today as a sinner.

Except myself. I’m one.
Me. I’ll prepare the dinner and invite him. If I can hire Martha to cook (and clean up), I will even sit at his feet. Welcome, Lord Jesus!
I’ll bet he’d like a nice glass of good red wine 🙂
Everyone who’s posted on this thread.

Seriously, if Jesus couldn’t eat with sinners, He be stuck having meals with His mom.
Those in need of a “physician”. I think he would target the “nones” to eat with. And maybe give a lot of “woe to you” to some “Christians”.
It’s called Mass. We eat Him, and, if we are well-disposed, He “eats” our soul, transforming it more and more into Himself, in His Mystical Body, the Church.

As for a public ministry - well, it is a point of irony that Christ was not eating with the bigger sinners (the Pharisees, etc.), only the ones who were at all aware that their lives were not so great and were open to conversion. But the juxtaposition of that dynamic was unique to Israel in a way that isn’t really repeatable… Clearly, Jesus isn’t typically going to real physical meals with people like in the public ministry, even though He could. So that’s over. What we could ask is which sinners should the virtuous go eat with/spend time with, especially clergy?
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And he would get very , er, body positive, from all that eating. 🙂
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What sinners would Jesus be eating with now?
I think if you’re referring to the “types of sinners” that believers are very hesitant to associate themselves with, and so Jesus made it a point to publicly eat with these people to show that he loves all (e.g. Prostitutes back then)…

Basically the groups of people who feel the most unwelcomed in our church today.

I think it would relatively be unchanged for the most part. Sex workers (former or current) may still be terrified of stepping in a church. Maybe people of lgbt+ orientations too. But you get the point.
If I get to eat with Him, I’ll bet I won’t be dairy intolerant, anymore. Hooray!
Me and I can bring my family and friends… Love you guys. 🙂

but if we are talking people we consider sinners by the jobs they do… Politicians, all of them.
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