What sinners would Jesus be eating with now?

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It’s called Mass. We eat Him, and, if we are well-disposed, He “eats” our soul, transforming it more and more into Himself, in His Mystical Body, the Church.
I wanted to give you 2 stars (or more!) For this point and the one @brown_bear pointed out!
Someone in another thread made a point that Jesus ate with repentant sinners.
Is that everyone else’s understanding of it too?
But He didn’t really seek them out, Matthew invited them to the banquet that he threw for Our Lord?
Wouldn’t we say that Jesus ate with His disciples probably twenty times more often than He ate with sinners?
I bet Jesus would spend some quality time with our wonderful priests who have given all their lives, really, to serving Him.
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Wouldn’t we say that Jesus ate with his disciples probably twenty times more often than He ate with sinners?
Are you implying that His disciples weren’t sinners? One betrayed Him, and one denied Him three times.
Okay, but in the Bible do they call His posse “His disciples” or “His sinners”?
Okay, but in the Bible do they call His posse “His disciples” or “His sinners”?
If the Bible calls His disciples “His disciples”, can I not use the same terminology?
I’m supposed to call them collectively “His sinners”?
I’m supposed to call them collectively “His sinners”?
I didn’t imply such. I was pointing out that you made a false dichotomy between eating with his disciples and eating with sinners.
I’m supposed to call them collectively “His sinners”?
I didn’t imply such. I was pointing out that you made a false dichotomy between eating with his disciples and eating with sinners.
He had an inside group, that while they were still sinners, they also had a special bond and spent a lot more time with Jesus than everyone else.
What would you suggest that we call His disciples?
His sinning Disciples?
His disciples, who are still sinners?
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