
dhgray, as others have pointed out, my response was on the sarcastic side. And I wrote it in that manner because in my parish, there are quite a few heterodox catholics (thank you pittsburghjeff for the proper terminology) and the tone in which my response was written seems to be the tone many of them use. My personal feelings were written in the last paragraph.That’s a pretty RUDE response Journeyman. Might I introduce you to a class on Christianity. I choose go be come a Catholic. I made up my mind to follow and embrace the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Now I will point out that there are some heterodox catholics who know no better. They have never been educated in the teachings of the Church. Oh, they may know that ABC is wrong, but they don’t know why. Of course, it is up to each one of us to make decisions with an informed conscience.
Here are some questions for you regarding heterodox and orthodox Catholics? What do you think—
Do heterodox Catholics tend to use Vatican II to give the laity more power than was intended? Such as the overuse of extraordinary ministers?
Or how about any type of Latin in the Mass? Do heterodox Catholics frown on Latin in the Mass?
And do they think that orthodox Catholics want to cling to the past and the heterodox thinks the past way of doing things is a bad way?