What the right reason for me to serve God?

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The right reason is because you love him. This isn’t the first step though… faith or getting to know him is the first step. Once you know him love comes.
Because it’s the purpose of existence and where all people can find their ultimate fulfillment and joy.
I must add, God isn’t calling us to be servants, he’s calling us to be his children. He’s calling us into a familial relationship.
It has been revealed to man that we were created to:

1: Know God
2. Love God
3. Serve God

If you both know and love someone, even a fellow human, you desire to serve them - although there may be no reward. The reward for knowing, loving and serving God is so great that we cannot comprehend it in our imperfect state.

Love desires the good of the “other”
Love does not count the cost.
A healthy dose of fear, pondering in your heart the pains of Hell, can be good. But it should lead to love. God is love.
What other kind of relationship could we imagine is appropriate with the one we consider (a) your one and only deity and (b) all-good and deserving of all love? What other response would you consider?

Just the fact that we can consider this a real question highlights what original sin does to our sense of perspective of what our place is in the universe. We can literally think of God and yet also think that we belong at the center of our own attention. I’m not singling you out, OP…I do it, too. 😦

I guess I’m saying that recognizing that God is God is reason enough? Why do we serve God? Because, well, God is God. Who else would we serve? Ourselves? No one in particular?
Because God deserves it and you love Him
Best Answer!!
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Under Catholicism, it’s just out of fear, there is no love. Never has been. Avoiding Hell is my only reason.
Like the title says.
God is all good and deserving of all love.

Col 3:
23 Whatever you do, do from the heart, as for the Lord and not for others, 24 knowing that you will receive from the Lord the due payment of the inheritance; be slaves of the Lord Christ. 25 For the wrongdoer will receive recompense for the wrong he committed, and there is no partiality.
Attrition for sin is described in the Catechism “born of the consideration of sin’s ugliness or the fear of eternal damnation and the other penalties threatening the sinner (contrition of fear)” and perfect contrition for sin arises from “a love by which God is loved above all else”.
I understand that you’re not feeling love, just want to escape punishment. Fear can be the first stage of faith… the one who fears is not perfected in love ~ 1 John 4:18, so I’m not criticising.

To love God is to keep his commandments [1 John 5:3] but love for God really starts to grow when we start to love other people, as we serve their needs. As Christ says, you cannot love God whom you haven’t seen, if you don’t love your brother whom you can see.
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