Hey guys I’m on week free from porn and instead of the usual temptation
My thoughts lead me to feel upset that in life and in heaven I may barely or not at all experience this silly longing
I know it’s a selfish want (which is rather intense at the moment due to addiction) that I will hopefully grow out of
And I do have a greater appreciation for smaller affections like hugs from girls who I care about
But is it wrong to feel upset about potentially experiencing it (sex has no real purpose in heaven but obvious we won’t care in heaven)
I know maybe I’m lacking hope that all will be worth it
And I seem to know the answer to my own question
But it’s the temptation that brings me great disappointment that is really unwarranted
I also sometimes get angry that once married we still can not frequently engage in it
It’s likely my young mind going hay wire
But it disappoints me a lot because it is a very good, fun,and holy thing to want and do if done according to God
Maybe I just have fear of missing out
Any ways to overcome this?
My thoughts lead me to feel upset that in life and in heaven I may barely or not at all experience this silly longing
I know it’s a selfish want (which is rather intense at the moment due to addiction) that I will hopefully grow out of
And I do have a greater appreciation for smaller affections like hugs from girls who I care about
But is it wrong to feel upset about potentially experiencing it (sex has no real purpose in heaven but obvious we won’t care in heaven)
I know maybe I’m lacking hope that all will be worth it
And I seem to know the answer to my own question
But it’s the temptation that brings me great disappointment that is really unwarranted
I also sometimes get angry that once married we still can not frequently engage in it
It’s likely my young mind going hay wire
But it disappoints me a lot because it is a very good, fun,and holy thing to want and do if done according to God
Maybe I just have fear of missing out
Any ways to overcome this?