I would appreciate your prayers and support now, or any advice you want to give. As the topic of my post, sure enough it has escalated once again. My brother has been now living and mooching off my parents now for about 4 months, along with his non-English speaking wife. My parents are at their wit’s end, yet (choose) to do nothing about it. They believe his lies and schemes, yet complain to me and my other siblings how it’s “killing your father…he’s going to have a heart attack because of it all”…etc…This one brother has borrowed thousands of dollars from all our relatives, keeping my parents in the dark about it all, then approaches my parents for more money and they keep giving it to him. Who knows what he is doing with this money. Perhaps drugs, paying off creditors. He is a leech. He has no job, no house, no car, a wife, no kids, and just keeps using my parents, I think waiting for them to die so he can take possession of their beautiful beach house. My parents have allowed it all the same. And yes, as one poster has pointed out, he obviously seems to be their favorite child of all, as he is most brilliant of a writer and a musician, yet doing nothing with his talent presently.
He refuses to work, nor does his wife. He tells my parents lies one after another, and they believe it. I, and my other brothers and sisters are very perplexed as to what to do. As our parents call us, proclaiming how upset they are, etc., we know the situation, we tell them how they should verify his claims, etc., they do not,etc. I suppose I just need to vent here from it all, if anyone is so kind to respond. It is a very weird situation. We all were together at one cousin’s house on X-mas. My parents having no idea that this brother maneuvered $5,000 out of one aunt. All hush, hush, not telling my parents. Then he comes to our parents for more money, saying he’s flat broke, can’t pay for his storage space where all his furniture is, etc…
Should I tell my parents he was given this money from one aunt?
She told us all not to say anything. But this whole scenario is getting rather sickening. And God knows he’s hit up more relatives as well. My parents are just so foolish. We cannot believe it. At this point, we don’t know what to do.
Thx for any insight anyone might have.