What To say To smug atheist? is there a Point?

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Hello. Recently I’ve been bombarded from both the “interweb” and My Normal life with Atheist. Not Agnostics, But Full blown, chest out “Proud and boasting” atheist. Now to Me, They are More aggressive and judgmental then Any religion in trying to convey their message. In My opinion atheism IS their religion, that’s if they are going to boast and smugly put ANY religions people down. IF They Just didn’t believe in anything they should just go about their business. WE are the ones with a Duty to tell the truth.
Anyway, I’ve been spending (Wasting???) time on arguing with them ob this youtube video. it has about 1 million hits. The posters have handles like “godslayer” “Fightingatheist”. But if You Look at the video and read the postings it’s extremely disturbing to Me. I feel I have a duty to Post back. But these people are so far gone it seems There is no point. Should I just Move on and Pry for them? Or Keep at it. ESPECIALLY When being attacked.

To Me they appear to be Satanist like, as in “Do as thou wilt”. Without all the ceremony and and symbols.

Here is ONE of the problem videos-youtube.com/watch?v=DaOVPaYf780&feature=player_embedded

In this You can see what I’m talking about. And the same things are said to Me everyday in person. It Seems like I’m constantly “fighting”. Should I just drop it and pray for them? I’d almost rather battle a demon:confused:

Any (name removed by moderator)ut will be greatly appreciated.

This is My Second Post. Sorry if it’s in the wrong spot.

God Bless.
Atheism is not a religion. Atheists do not worship a deity, have no scripture or liturgy; there is nothing spiritual about it. These guys are just pushing your buttons and are not serious about exchanging ideas or respecting others beliefs. They are having too much fun. I would just leave them to the Holy Spirit; one day they will grow up and hopefully wise up.
This video shows a guy who doesn’t even know the God that he’s denying. People of faith do not think the way that he proposes that we do. It’s pure nonsense. If we can have all of the “kinky” sex, as he claims without a god then does that include with animals and children?

Pray for these folks and maybe one day they will see the light. I just feel sorry for some of the young minds (two of which I have in my Confirmation group) that are influenced by their lies. Pray for me that I can touch these kids and get them to see the truth.

There is a point to pray for them…teachccd
C.S. Lewis talks about when he was such a person, one of the main turning points in his conversion was when a fellow die-hard atheist admitted to him privately that the evidence for the historicity of the gospel was really quite good. I think that is the way with such people–we can never reach them because they consider the source too biased and unreasonable. Only when they themselves have a spiritual encounter, or receive such a hint from another such “reasonable” person, will they seriously consider the possibility of the existence of God.

Fighting them on these issues is probably one reason why these people have such recalcitrant views. If we lead by our loving, gracious example, we can increase the number of “reasonable” believers in their lives–and this will increase the likelihood of them seriously considering the issue. In short, not only is fighting them wasting your time, but you will likely just make things worse.
Check out this talk by Dinesh D’Souza on the “New Atheism” that is more anti-religion than just atheist.


Of course, not all atheists are like this, there are still plenty of religion-friendly atheists out there.
I would suggest to you that you read C.S. Lewis’ book Screwtape Letters. I do not want to say the devil is the cause of everything, but I know that he is always looking for a way to attack us. … I Peter 5:8-9 Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone ] to devour. Resist him,steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings … Many times he just nudges us in a direction that we are already leaning, we must be aware of this and keep our thoughts on God and what he wants for us. Not an easy task! I would not spend a lot of time trying to change this person by talking or trying to explain things to him or her, but I would add them to my prayer list and just pray for them. Continue to form your own knowledge and when you are in a situation where you have to answer ( with words ) do so.
Atheism is not a religion. Atheists do not worship a deity, have no scripture or liturgy; there is nothing spiritual about it. These guys are just pushing your buttons and are not serious about exchanging ideas or respecting others beliefs. They are having too much fun. I would just leave them to the Holy Spirit; one day they will grow up and hopefully wise up.
I dunno, JRC77 has a point- the “new atheism”, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkin, Daniel Dennett, et al’s position is so zealous it could be aligned with a kind of Fundamentalism. I think it has quite a bit in common with religion.

Pascal was the sort of great mind who simply couldn’t be bothered to engage in this sort of debate, but rather, was content to rest in the bosom of the Church. I personally often try to explain things to these people this might give you some ideas- forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=389540 it’s important not to talk in purely theological terms.
In short, not only is fighting them wasting your time, but you will likely just make things worse.
I’ve heard many a Wise person say that maybe there is no such thing as an athiest. This being the the case, they are just in denial. Fighting with them WILL probably only make them worse.

Does the bible tell us how to deal with these people of little faith.
(Matthew 7:6 RSV) "Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under foot and turn to attack you.

In other words, it is a waste of time and could actually be dangerous to your spiritual health.
Originally Posted by Catholic1954 View Post
Atheism is not a religion. Atheists do not worship a deity, have no scripture or liturgy; there is nothing spiritual about it. These guys are just pushing your buttons and are not serious about exchanging ideas or respecting others beliefs. They are having too much fun. I would just leave them to the Holy Spirit; one day they will grow up and hopefully wise up.
I Know that generally atheism is just simply lack of belief in a deity. But these people are WAY Different just than passive non belief. They aggressively promote their “Doctrine”. Doctrine Is a “Belief system” Deity or not.

They Have the FCA. The atheist "Church’’ if You will. That’s 501(c)3. And you can Be “Ordained” as and atheist “Minister”. Look it up if You don’t believe Me. They have “Churches” Or Meeting places where the “Ordained” will spout their belief in non belief.
Deity or Not, It IS a belief system. therefore RELIGION. The Passive atheist is more admittedly an agnostic.
It’s Like satanism with no Conjuring. At least thats how these people act.
I’ll just Pry for them.
But Besides My Opinion that it is a form of religion of some kind, The rest Of Your Quote is perfect advice.

Thank You.
One Time I said “There’s probably a few thousand Priests and Nuns and even Monks Prying for You and they don’t even know you”. One said I don’t need any of those 88888888 praying for MY soul". I just said. “So You have a Soul Now?”:cool:
Here is a free booklet that you can give to a smug atheist. Or when you read it yourself you might want instead to choose a heavenly point to use… These words have come to us said to be from Jesus and Mary and, in this book, St. John of the Cross as well. I believe it. They are private revelation and we are allowed by our Church to believe them as they have approval from the local bishop and are all submitted to the Vatican. The organization, Directionforourtimes.com, that has them free online or available in little booklets or volumes for sale, has a full-time Priest appointed for oversight by the local bishop and submits to the authority of the Church for final word the matter.

But you don’t have to believe these are the words of Jesus, St. John of the Cross, and Mary to see at least that they are true and wise words for an athesist.

The booklet: For Those Who Reject God is here: directionforourtimes.com/docs/booklet-rejected.pdf

I also love the booklet, For Those Who Don’t Know Jesus:
I Know that generally atheism is just simply lack of belief in a deity. But these people are WAY Different just than passive non belief. They aggressively promote their “Doctrine”. Doctrine Is a “Belief system” Deity or not.
IMHO, these people, whether running their mouth on the Internet, or elsewhere,…….they are just looking for attention. If I were to get into a discussion with a die hard,…….I might ask, why do so many look to some God on their death bed?

But I think they first and foremost are seeking or needing attention as they do not have what others possess, otherwise they would not be and continually running their mouth. 🙂
One more thing – a favorite quote for the athesist from “…To Those Who Have Rejected God” is from Our Blessed Mother, “Dearest little child of heaven, you are not as intellectually advanced as you think…”
Hello. Recently I’ve been bombarded from both the “interweb” and My Normal life with Atheist. Not Agnostics, But Full blown, chest out “Proud and boasting” atheist. Now to Me, They are More aggressive and judgmental then Any religion in trying to convey their message. In My opinion atheism IS their religion, that’s if they are going to boast and smugly put ANY religions people down. IF They Just didn’t believe in anything they should just go about their business. WE are the ones with a Duty to tell the truth.
Anyway, I’ve been spending (Wasting???) time on arguing with them ob this youtube video. it has about 1 million hits. The posters have handles like “godslayer” “Fightingatheist”. But if You Look at the video and read the postings it’s extremely disturbing to Me. I feel I have a duty to Post back. But these people are so far gone it seems There is no point. Should I just Move on and Pry for them? Or Keep at it. ESPECIALLY When being attacked.

To Me they appear to be Satanist like, as in “Do as thou wilt”. Without all the ceremony and and symbols.

Here is ONE of the problem videos-youtube.com/watch?v=DaOVPaYf780&feature=player_embedded

In this You can see what I’m talking about. And the same things are said to Me everyday in person. It Seems like I’m constantly “fighting”. Should I just drop it and pray for them? I’d almost rather battle a demon:confused:

Any (name removed by moderator)ut will be greatly appreciated.

This is My Second Post. Sorry if it’s in the wrong spot.

God Bless.
When I meet atheists who try to convice me there is no God I just hit them with St. Thomas Aquanias’ five proofs for the existence of God that shuts them up becuse they have no way of countering it with their own arguments.
Atheism is not a religion its a lack of belief in gods. A lot of atheists are atheist because they are rasied without religion here and could not care less for other peoples religions.

Its useless to try and convert most atheists. Most dont feel any need to convert you, those who do want to convert you most likely are annoyed by your religion or religious views.

Where christians dont show respect to otherminded people how comes they so often demand it back? Christians have not exactly been nice to me in my life (im bisexual), have not shown much respect for me, or my parents, so yeah, I am not fond of the (more extreme) people in this religion. I do not mind mild christians who respect me, I respect their views too. However there are a lot of issues with christians showing disrespect for others who are not christian. Then you get disrespect back. And seeing how fundamentalist many people are on this forum, how hatefull some are, how much hate and intolerance this religious catses, its no suprise many atheist people are sick of this religion.

In holland where christians are milder and nicer to not-christians, atheists dont have much problems with religion either. They are very different from christians on this forum, here they are very extreme. Respect has to come from two sides, and what I read here christians dont often show respect to otherminded people. So why expect it back? At some point you sow what you seed. USA has very extreme forms of christianity, so many atheists are extreme back too and turn into antitheists.

You can try to annoy atheists off back, but they wont take you very serious. Those who have been harrased by religion so often they turn antitheist don’t convert back. You might try a “nice” approach instead but since they dont respect you anymore either thats gonna be hard.

Having respect for the descions of atheists in what they want to do with their own lifes even if you dont agree with it works better. They might stop finding you annoying or thinking all christians are bad. I used to think all christinas were evil, but having two friendly christians cured me of that idea. I still dislike the hatefull christians.
(Matthew 7:6 RSV) "Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under foot and turn to attack you.

In other words, it is a waste of time and could actually be dangerous to your spiritual health.
Not really, Holly. I wouldn’t invite them to share the Eucharist but resistance is a noble endeavor and I for one have never suffered these fools gladly. It really formed the isnpiration for me to begin my site PayingAttentionToTheSky. I just started bringing together all the readings and materials to counter the arguments they make against my Church and her beliefs.

My spiritual health may not be at an all-time high but it was never because of these nitwits and dealing with them has toughened me. I’m a radical Catholic, babe – Don’t Tread on Me or my Lord. :cool:
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