What Victory Might Look Like

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By Victor David Hanson
  1. A viable, consensual state in Iraq, like an Afghanistan or even Turkey; radical reform in Egypt following the death of Mubarak; liberalizing in Jordan and the Gulf States: all of this making it impossible for terrorists to be funded and supplied as they are now in Iran and Syria.
  2. A democratic revolution in Iran and the end of theocratic nuclear politics
  3. The death of bin Laden and his major subordinates
  4. Some sort of radical change in Wahhabi Saudi Arabia. Either internal reform; a break with the United States; or a de facto partition/civil war in the country between Dark Age Islamicists and modernizers. Petrol-fed dollars to terrorist “charities” and “madrassas” are analogous to Hitler Youth programs or Stalin’s propaganda efforts, or the brain washing in Cambodia and must stop. We have to create the conditions, economic, political, ideological, and military, through which a Wahhabist who funds a station to broadcast hate and murder is deathly afraid of the consequences. We are not there yet.
By Victor David Hanson
  1. A viable, consensual state in Iraq, like an Afghanistan or even Turkey; radical reform in Egypt following the death of Mubarak; liberalizing in Jordan and the Gulf States: all of this making it impossible for terrorists to be funded and supplied as they are now in Iran and Syria.
  2. A democratic revolution in Iran and the end of theocratic nuclear politics
  3. The death of bin Laden and his major subordinates
  4. Some sort of radical change in Wahhabi Saudi Arabia. Either internal reform; a break with the United States; or a de facto partition/civil war in the country between Dark Age Islamicists and modernizers. Petrol-fed dollars to terrorist “charities” and “madrassas” are analogous to Hitler Youth programs or Stalin’s propaganda efforts, or the brain washing in Cambodia and must stop. We have to create the conditions, economic, political, ideological, and military, through which a Wahhabist who funds a station to broadcast hate and murder is deathly afraid of the consequences. We are not there yet.
Interesting. Thanks!
apologizing for the havoc we have put upon a country that did us no harm… providing compensation for the destroyed infrastructure of the country, and attempting to do the same for the destroyed families that we tore apart… then picking up our WMD and bring our troops home, or better yet, send them to Aisa for help in the reliefe efforts from the Tsunami… 👍 That won’t happen!
Does not suit our agenda…
A courageous anti-insurgency made-up of Iraqies, tired of seeing their countrymen being blown-up while having their country used as a battleground by foreign militants and rejecting an Islamofacist regeime they intend to establish. That appears to be only a dream right now…but I like to think it will happen.
A courageous anti-insurgency made-up of Iraqies, tired of seeing their countrymen being blown-up while having their country used as a battleground by foreign militants and rejecting an Islamofacist regeime they intend to establish. That appears to be only a dream right now…but I like to think it will happen.
Lots of prayer helps too! God can change all things with Prayer.
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