What was your biggest disagreement on CAF

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That referred to some earlier posts. Found in the Non-Catholic forum, under the thread What’s All The Fuss About the Reformation or similar words. August 2014.
Once, someone said he would rather see any child of his burn to death than guilty of a mortal sin (like the mother of the Machabees, and Queen Blanche of France), because it takes 5 minutes to burn to death, but eternity to burn in Hell, and God has not promised the grace of repentance to anyone who commits a mortal sin. People were attacking him, I defended him (because he’s right according to Catholic teaching), and then they turned their venom against me. That kind of thing is why I don’t post much anymore; the vitriol in the responses to my posts tempts me to be very uncharitable. I expect to be excoriated for this post, but I had to say it in case it might be helpful to someone else who’s had a similar experience.
I could never avoid the regularly-occurring “Is lying always wrong/sinful?” threads where the first couple of posts were typically the nuance-free answer of: yes, no exceptions, no context necessary.

As I always like to say: Well, I guess that’s the end of surprise parties! 🤣
Back in the late 2000s, I got into a fairly lengthy discussion over the method that God had devised that Christians were supposed to understand and interpret scripture.

The other intense discussion was on the nature of the Atonement. That one spilled over into an offline discussion with several members on email for many months.
I can’t think of any big disagreements. There were TONS of posts that irked me but for the most part I walked away from the keyboard.

You never know if the person who’s arguing with you is a misguided zealot amped up on youth and testosterone, or trolling for fun, or a Russian provocateur.
It’s the internet, so there’s always something to disagree about!
I liked this messageboard and its inhabitants. I wish people were more willing to say “was wrong” and to lol at themselves though lol!
You never know if the person who’s arguing with you is a misguided zealot amped up on youth and testosterone, or trolling for fun, or a Russian provocateur.
Lol, I was always suspicious that some of the regulars on the old board were totally fabricated, particularly some of the ones who devoted a lot of posting to “back story:”

“Help! I’m a handsome cardiologist in Manhattan considering Catholicism, but I’ve become entangled in the following titillating dilemma!”
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Hmm… I think that I’d have to say “dialoguing with folks who think they’re the only ones in the world who are ‘rational’, and do it in a way that’s demonstrably irrational.”

I kinda always get sucked into those kinds of discussions…
That’s not rational behavior. 🙂
Is my Roomba going to heaven? AKA “Soula Roomba”? Scintillating debate.

But seriously - I’m really going to miss debating my friends here. Almost always done respectfully and with good faith. One person I’d like to see again on here one last time is good old @Steve-b. Hope he’s well.
That’s not rational behavior.

Hmm… maybe I can claim that it’s “in the hope that one day, the person might say, ‘ya know… I really was kinda crazypants; wasn’t there a Catholic who used to tell me that, back on CAF?’”
Hmm… maybe I can claim that it’s “in the hope that one day, the person might say, ‘ya know… I really was kinda crazypants; wasn’t there a Catholic who used to tell me that, back on CAF?’”
Nicely played. 🙂
I think I am going to duck for cover after this, but here goes.

I struggled with abortion issues because although I AM AGAINST abortion, I think we need to try different, more effective approaches besides legislation. I was several times accused of ‘murdering my babies’ (I’ve the same number of children as I’ve had pregnancies) and I was responded to with venom. I really really struggled with men who insisted on a perspective of issues uniquely female without considering the perspective of females, and doubling down over and over that what a woman experiences isn’t really true because only men know the answer :roll_eyes:

My biggest frustration were discussions wherein people stuck with rigid, black and white positions, without the desire or capacity to look at the shades of grey. I never understand how people refuse to consider the opposing side’s perspective. It’s like they conflate ‘I can understand from your perspective why you think xyz’ with 'I refuse to consider to your position because you’re wrong reasons don’t matter [insert ad hominem attack]. Even in a thread today I’ve been astounded that many are incapable or unwilling to show empathy.

But hey, our little frustrations build character!
, the Spanish Civil War, the idea that the NSDAP was a left-wing party,
The outpouring of admiration for various right wing dictators simply because their victims were communists or people accused of being communists or people who happened to be in the vicinity of a suspected communist was pretty awful. There was even at least one Mussolini admirer on here once.

Adolf Hitler was not left wing. He always hated socialism. Before he was the leader of the party, in 1920, the name of the party was officially changed from the German Worker’s Party to the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, over Hitler’s objections. After he became Chancellor of Germany, he purged the left-wing of the Nazi Party during the Night of the Long Knives in 1934.

There were left wing elements in the NSDAP (Gregor Strasser was a leader of this faction and a rival to Hitler in the 1920s and early 30s — and Hitler had him killed in 1934). Many members of the SA in the 1920s were anti-capitalist. But Hitler killed or neutralized the leaders of the SA and left wing factions and formed alliances with the conservative industrialists and military leaders after he became Chancellor (and later President and Fuhrer of Germany after Hindenburg died).
I’m surprised that the two regular topics which I got involved in and stirred up about haven’t been mentioned yet:
  1. “I didn’t know that I am meant to confess sins by kind and number. I’ve got that now, but what do I do about my past confessions? “,
  2. “Is it ok for a parish (priest or EHMCs) to give a blessing at communion time to individuals who aren’t receiving communion?”
Both were done to death, and got exactly the same arguments, on all sides, each time there came up.

It was from these, particularly, that I decided that the population of CAF, while well meaning and well informed, was more rigorous than most Catholics who never have debates about these things.
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Catholic marriage annulments. i don’t see too much difference (in the great majority of cases) between Church approved divorces, such as they have in the E. Orthodox church, or Catholic marriage annulments.
There was even at least one Mussolini admirer on here once.
Some members have been so reactionary that Mussolini would, indeed, appear liberal. We had one devotee of the return of the Spanish Bourbons to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies - which was a bit much even for us with an abiding love of Naples.

The whole NSDAP business is part of the truly Orwellian process:
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”
as we move, more and more, into a world where nothing is true and anything is possible.
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As someone who appreciates the core Fatima message of personal conversion, I disagreed with people who’d start out a post with “I know Fatima is Private, not Public Revelation, but …”
Then the rest of this and their other posts treated it as if it were Public Revelation, and insisted others do so.
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I disagreed with people who posted articles “proving” the bishops were violating canon law by doing X…then I’d look at the source website, which itself is defying canon law by operating a "ministry’ outside the Church, but implying they’re a Catholic ministry.
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