What was your Easter Homily about?

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Our priest was elaborating on the women and disciples went to the empty tomb and wondering if it is true that the promise of Jesus’ resurrection could be true. They were looking forward to the “not yet”. We too, in our lives, could look forward to the new beginning and the possible “not yet”. No matter what problems we are facing, be it that we may have lost a loved one, facing a serious disease, having a troubled marriage, in sin, or any other problems, we can always have a different kind of life ahead.

Jesus’ resurrection is also our resurrection. We can have the miracle of the resurrection, walking by faith, not by sight. Easter is a true feast of ours, a feast of resurrection.
Come to see and believe with a childlike heart.
(I usually took notes on homily)
Fr. Al, my spiritual director did a homily on laughter, explaining that the Eastern Orthodox Church laughs and tells jokes on Easter, to represent the laughter of God and the joy of the ressurection. Then he proceeded to discuss C.S. Lewis’ book: The Scewtape Letters, and expressed how we get the Last laugh because of the Ressurection, it was a hoot, and quite uplifting, how he discussed hwo Christ Defeated death, despair, and all those sinful terrors we face. And now we can laugh in Satan’s face.
While visiting relatives out of state I attended a parish in Western New York where the homily was on how we are supposed to be “Eastering” every day of our lives. “Easter” being a verb, and we being the ones who are supposed to “Easter.” A few abstractions regarding what exactly one aims for when one “Easters” were very quickly mentioned, but since nothing practical was said as to how we should relate any of this to our daily lives in the real world, I can’t even remember what those abstractions were, except I think one might have been “justice”. Confusing, huh? :rolleyes:

Fortunately, my parents get EWTN on cable, so I also watched the Easter Vigil Mass from the Vatican and was edified by a far higher quality homily direct from Pope Benedict XVI, on how Jesus’ resurrection shows that love is stronger than evil and death. 🙂 :cool: 👍

~~ the phoenix
He also asked us to join him in a short quiet prayer at the end of the Mass for all those who simply left right after Communion… that they might some day come to a better understanding of the Eucharist.
The homily I heard today was a general “He has Risen…Truly He has Risen”…however the priest made a powerful comment targeting those who leave right after Communion…he said something to the effect “Judas was the first to leave after Communion”…the result of the parishioners was one of those ‘disturbing but true’ laughs.
Father Ryan gave a bold and courageous homily about the modernist interpretation of the Resurrection which tries to convince Christians that it is not necessary to believe in Christ’s bodily rising in order to understand the “lessons” of Jesus. He referenced the Cameron “documentary”, blasting it and other “theologians” who claim that our faith need not be based on belief in the actual physical Resurrection. It was hair-raising and completely edifying, especially because he had a captive audience of about 2,000 at each Mass!
Don’t know I never had one. No TLM local Masses to go to, thanks to NO Catholics. And I refuse to attend NO Masses. I also had to work last night right through the morning. 👍 Happy Easter though!.😃
I was very blessed this year with 2 wonderful Easter homilies from 2 different priests. 🙂

During the Easter Vigil Mass, the priest at one point in his homily spoke about how the stone was rolled away from Christ’s tomb. He pointed out that this wasn’t necessary for Christ to rise from the dead and leave His tomb, but the purpose of the stone being rolled away was so that the women would see that it was empty. The priest went on to say that we should wonder if there are any stones in our lives (stones of worry, sin, doubt, etc.) that keep us from coming close to Jesus and seeing His empty tomb, and to pray that He will remove those stones that are blocking us from Him. I found that very inspiring. 🙂

Today I went to Mass and heard another inspiring homily from a different priest, who also at one point brought up the Vigil Gospel, where one of the Angels tells the women that they’re lookig for Jesus in the wrong place, since they’re looking for the living among the dead. The priest used this to make a very powerful point about our own faith in Christ - he told us to consider which Jesus we were looking for - the dead Jesus or the Risen Jesus? Are we looking for a dead Jesus who won’t ask anything from us other than for His body to be anointed with oils by us coming to Mass for an hour a week and maybe saying a prayer half-asleep once in a while? He said that if that’s the Jesus we’re looking for, one Who won’t ask anything from us, then we shouldn’t be surprised if our lives aren’t changing, that we don’t have true happiness in life. He said that we need to look for the Risen Jesus, Who can transform us and renew us, and be willing to follow Him and His commandments.

That’s definitely one of the most powerful homilies I’ve heard in a while - this priest was trying very hard this weekend to get to the people who only come to church because it’s Easter, trying to get them to be more committed to Christ in the Eucharist, and I think he did a great job today, especially in that regard. 🙂

God bless these wonderful priests, and of course all priests everywhere. 🙂
At our Easter Vigil Mass, our Pastor gave a homily with a theme I had never heard before. He talked about emptiness and anxiety. He asked us to imagine the state of mind of the disciples and Apostles during the time between the death of Jesus and discovery of Him not being in the tomb. He talked about how they turned to each other as “church” for comfort even though they didn’t know what to do. And after the passage of time, a few of them (the women) took it upon themselves to do what they had been taught since they were little girls- to go and properly prepare Jesus’ body- despite their continued feeling of emptiness and anxiety. These women chose to no longer be passive but to take action.

Father spoke about how this how we need to deal with periods of emptiness and anxiety in our lives. First, turn to community (don’t wallow in our loneliness) where Christ is present to regain a measure of strenght and resolve to go forward. And then act on it. And, in our actions, Christ will reveal clarity as He did first to the women and then Peter and John.

On a side note, I had a personal epiphany. In talking w/ another after Mass, I blurted out, “I feel like everything in the world is “right”. We got to witness new people coming into the faith and the Eucharist is back in the tabernacle.”
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