It amuses me that many people are debating what should be done to curb population growth, considering that our global population has doubled in only 50 years. Meanwhile, the Catholics are lamenting over a population shortage. What, is the human population increasing by 1 billion every decade (perhaps even faster in our lifetimes) not enough for you?
Overpopulation has been used as a fear controller for a millennium. When whales were almost killed to extinction for making candles. Should we have stopped reproducing because of this need? Thanks to the birth of Thomas Edison, the whales were saved and we now have lights, and all that use light (cars, computers, ect).
Now, the Chinese have been practicing the theology of population control for some time now. This caused a portion of them to select males over females. This causes an imbalance and future problems for males.
I was on FB and they showed all the pollution in beautiful China. Many people cried more population control. However, the population control is NOT WORKING for their enviroment. What does work is environmental boundaries, human rights boundaries, and government boundaries. All of which China has tossed for population control and manufacturing jobs. When was the last time you saw something “Made in Italy”, “Made in France”, or anywhere else in countries with environmental boundaries, labor boundaries, or government boundaries .
Should population control cause anymore fear in society, they will start executing the elderly to maintain the population. Then they will select optimal males and females and breed them like dogs and horses. Is this enough to quench your fears over population control? Maybe in the future we will only experience sex through a virtual medium and sanitize the whole process.