I would seek the advise of a sound spiritual director.
That said, I have found that giving up things is easy, very easy. But giving up ideas, desires or career goals, freedom, these are much more challenging. For example:
When my mother married my father she gave up her country, left her family behind, most of her traditions, etc.
As the primary care giver of many of my family members over the years I have given up many things: career goals, financial stability, ways of doing things to satisfy their desires and needs, the freedom to go and do what I want to do because of their needs. This is not a complaint, just the facts. There are many sacrifices caregivers make to assist others. This is true for parents for their children, friends who have friends that get hurt or sick, etc.
I mention this because sometimes people get so focused on the tangible things like a house or car or money and clothes, but seem to forget the less obvious: giving up time, comfort, traditions, family, safety, financial stability or even health, for the benefit of others. So my questions is: How well do you give these things up? Do you resist? Do you complain? Do you even know that is what is being asked of you?
I ask because these are the common things that can make us struggle against God’s will in favor of our own. Can you give up your will?