What will you do WITHOUT your spouse?

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I do not use the men’s room with her nor inflect my hobbies upon her.

I also do not use the computer with her. She has her own computer and we tend to do different things with them.
I voted for all of the above. Unfortunately, my husband is not particularly family oriented and tends to be a homebody. If I waited for him, I probably would never do any of these things.
:rotfl: with a deployed hubby…EVERYTHING is done alone this year! We’ve been married for 8 years now and there are certain things I don’t care if he does or does not do with me. As the same thing goes for him. I attend Mass without him as he’s not Catholic.

I remember when we were both Active Duty, stationed in Germany. He’d be out in the field either for Gunnery or CMTC and I had time to go travel. Did I do it? Nope. I didn’t want to as I would have felt weird going without him. Even now with him gone, I don’t want to do alot of traveling because I want to share that experience with him!

But we do take what we can get with what we’re given. 😃
What will you do WITHOUT your spouse?
You worded your poll responses differently that you worded the question.

I might hesitate to do some of the things you listed without my spouse, but I would do all of them without my spouse.

If my spouse agreed, I would go on vacation without him. I hesitated because I consulted with him.

If I wanted to go out with the girls, I would tell him what I was going to do if we had nothing planned. I wouldn’t ask his permission.

If a teacher wanted to speak with my child’s parent, I would ask my spouse if he wanted to go with me.

I wouldn’t think twice about going to church without him.

I’d go to a family event without him if he didn’t want to go regardless of whose family.

I might not go to a company function without him because I hate company functions.
We have been married almost 20 years.

We cannot be together every moment. Business won’t allow it for one thing. Small residential grandchildren won’t allow it for another.

Church? No problem, although we like to go together on Saturday/ Sunday. Office party? Oftentimes, spouses aren’t invited, and they are so boring, neither one of us wants to stay. I’ve been on “girls only” weekends with close friends. parent/ teacher we usually do together, or whoever gets the short straw. We usually don’t go to a family event alone unless it’s a funeral and the other can’t get off because then there is “talk”. But we’ve done that, too.
My husband was in the military for the first 5 years of our marriage and was gone for a long period of time, I had to do a lot of things without him including mass, trips to visit family, social events, and some child related events by myself.

Now that he is out of the military we do all our events together.
Because of our work schedules…everything except vacation! Well, if you consider that business trip that the boss told me to spend an extra day to enjoy the camp with just me and my son…I guess it could be considered a vacation…

I was a single mom for 10 yrs and I have to admit, I still do alot on my own even though we have been married just over 6 mos. mostly because he works odd shifts and weekends and I don’t…
**We wouldn’t chose to do any of those things seperate or much of anythng else either. **If neccessary, then we will without regret or it being an issue.

For the most part, we’d rather be together for just about anything. Many people laugh that we have so many dc because we are attached at the hip. Other than work/work related events or the occassional errand, it is rare to see one of us and not the other.
I checked all of the above. While I prefer doing most (except girls’ outings) with my spouse–I have done and will do all those things without him. I just returned from an all women ski weekend out of state and it was a BALL–wouldn’t have missed it for anything–but it would have been a totally different experience had our husbands been with us. (note: I said different–not bad/worse, had the spouses come along). Bottom line–my dh and I are each very social and independent, and while we always enjoy each other when together, we don’t need each other in order to do the things we enjoy and encourage the other to pursue interests, alone or with others, which we may not share.
Why isn’t “starve” on this list…without my spouse I would be long gone.

I am of the opinion of CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien about needing to have friendships (the Four Loves) the lease biological of loves. It is healthy to have a life apart from your wife though you should want to include her as much as possible. A good friendship and a good beer go a long way to creating a healthy balanced lifestyle.
I do go out with my girlfriends without my hubby, usually once every couple weeks. Other things like weddings and funerals I would go if for some reason my spouse could not make it.

I did go away for a weekend women’s conference with several of my girlfriends and truth be told I hated it. I missed my husband alot.

This idea by one poster that some people are too dependant on their spouses really doesn’t sit well with me. I am a very independant, secure person -no self esteem issues here but I prefer to be with my spouse. I enjoy everything more if we’re together.

My husband was telling me about some guy friends that work as many hours as they can and then find weekend activities to do apart form their spouse. He told them “I actually like being with my family.” When hubby was laid off we spent a huge amount of time together, we and really don’t get sick of each other or get on each others nerves.

One thing I definately would not do is vacation without my spouse, to me that is no vacation at all.
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