Fewer LEGAL abortions, women who could afford it going to Mexico or Canada
Less divorce, increased desertion rates, more children raised in a disfunctional environment
More poverty from more families struggling to raise more children
More crime from unwanted children raised in poverty
More alcoholism and drug addiction from those living a life of “quiet desperation”
But probably an increase in religious callings:thumbsup:
IF people are living a truly Catholic lifestyle-- which is the very premise of the question— praying family Rosaries, keeping their minds pure, striving for chastity, following the Biblical command to love your neighbor as yourself, “husbands, love your wives,” putting God first, nurturing their prayer lives, etc., etc…
they would not be getting pregnant out of wedlock in the first place, and most certainly would not be getting abortions, legal OR illegal…
…families would be happier, and divorce, desertion, and desperately dysfunctional marriages would be uncommon…
… far fewer people would be seeking solace in alcohol, as they would be living a lifestyle that leads them to find solace in God.
As to poverty from families raising more children, I have a couple of thoughts:
One is that my grandparents raised 9 children, and I guess would have been ‘poor’ by today’s standards. So what? They raised 9 productive citizens who raised good kids WITHOUT EXCEPTION, who are now raising good grandchildren. Of 50 or more in our extended family, there is not a troublemaker or deadbeat among them. All are positive, contributing members of society. Of course some of us have our problems, but overall, it’s a very cheerful, positive group, too. Not a single one of them would say they’d trade in a brother or sister for having had more money growing up. And they did it without help, by the way. Large families do not require welfare.
A second thought is that I, myself, have 9 children. Yes, we’d have a whole lot more luxuries if we had 2. I much prefer having my children, who will be with me through eternity, to a nicer house. And it’s really a matter of how you spend your money. My husband does not even have a college degree, and through hard work and doing his job well, has managed to support us just fine. I don’t feel poor at all, even though our income/ family size would suggest we’re close to being officially poor. We have everything we need, and plenty more.
As to “more crime from unwanted children raised in poverty,” such a statement is not only offensive, but outright wrong. Neither ‘unwantedness’ nor poverty cause crime. Immorality causes crime. In the past, millions of people, including those who were not ‘planned,’ were raised in dire financial situations, and they did not grow up to be criminals. I’ll cite my mother’s family again.
IF people are living a truly Catholic lifestyle and following Jesus (the premise of the discussion), they are not going to be jaunting off on crime sprees because their parents couldn’t afford the newest shoes or fashions or the best computer for them.