What would you do in this situation?

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I don’t know if this is the right place…but I need an opinion.

I feel so bad about this, I hate calling in sick to work but…

I feel like i was run over by a truck…plus I have a HUGE exam tomorrow that, if I go to work tonight, I’ll have no time to study for…would you still go to work or would you call in sick?

I know this sounds trivial, maybe even easy to answer, but I just can’t figure it out.

I’d call in sick and not worry about it. Jobs are temporary.
I don’t know if this is the right place…but I need an opinion.

I feel so bad about this, I hate calling in sick to work but…

I feel like i was run over by a truck…plus I have a HUGE exam tomorrow that, if I go to work tonight, I’ll have no time to study for…would you still go to work or would you call in sick?

I know this sounds trivial, maybe even easy to answer, but I just can’t figure it out.

Call in sick to work. I had to do it a couple of times myself in college.
I’d call in sick and not worry about it. Jobs are temporary.
Jobs may be temporary but obligations are not. This job you took on put an obligation on you. You are counted on to do your job, to fulfill a task.

IMHO calling in sick would be a lie. Also I am not one who subscribes to the notion that one needs to cram the night before an exam. Either you know it or you don’t. Studying is something that should take place every day, not just the day/night before an exam.

I think the Catechism shows that this is not the way to go.

2482 “A lie consists in speaking a falsehood with the intention of deceiving.” The Lord denounces lying as the work of the devil: “You are of your father the devil, . . . there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

2483 Lying is the most direct offense against the truth. To lie is to speak or act against the truth in order to lead someone into error. By injuring man’s relation to truth and to his neighbor, a lie offends against the fundamental relation of man and of his word to the Lord.

2484 The gravity of a lie is measured against the nature of the truth it deforms, the circumstances, the intentions of the one who lies, and the harm suffered by its victims. If a lie in itself only constitutes a venial sin, it becomes mortal when it does grave injury to the virtues of justice and charity.

2485 By its very nature, lying is to be condemned. It is a profanation of speech, whereas the purpose of speech is to communicate known truth to others. The deliberate intention of leading a neighbor into error by saying things contrary to the truth constitutes a failure in justice and charity. The culpability is greater when the intention of deceiving entails the risk of deadly consequences for those who are led astray.

2486 Since it violates the virtue of truthfulness, a lie does real violence to another. It affects his ability to know, which is a condition of every judgment and decision. It contains the seed of discord and all consequent evils. Lying is destructive of society; it undermines trust among men and tears apart the fabric of social relationships.

2487 Every offense committed against justice and truth entails the duty of reparation, even if its author has been forgiven. When it is impossible publicly to make reparation for a wrong, it must be made secretly. If someone who has suffered harm cannot be directly compensated, he must be given moral satisfaction in the name of charity. This duty of reparation also concerns offenses against another’s reputation. This reparation, moral and sometimes material, must be evaluated in terms of the extent of the damage inflicted. It obliges in conscience.
Call in sick…unless the job is one you plan on keeping after school.
Call in for a personal day. Do you get personal days? Unplanned absences for other things than sickness? We used to call our necessary absences for personal needs other than germ- or injury-based absence “mental health days.”
just 4 him:
Call in sick…unless the job is one you plan on keeping after school.
So I guess becuase it is temporary it is ok to tell a falsehood. To burden others, those who have to cover for you and your lie…

Hmmm, just doesn’t sound right to me especially after I read the pertinent section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Byzcath, ,I wouldn’t be lying if I call in sick… I really am. I have been studying for at least 2 weeks, but the exam is tomorrow and I won’t have anytime tonight for the last review.

This job is temporary, I don’t plan on keeping it any longer than I have to (once I find a new job).

Thanks for your opinions!!
Byzcath, ,I wouldn’t be lying if I call in sick… I really am. I have been studying for at least 2 weeks, but the exam is tomorrow and I won’t have anytime tonight for the last review.

This job is temporary, I don’t plan on keeping it any longer than I have to (once I find a new job).

Thanks for your opinions!!
If your sick, then your sick.

But if you take the exam out of the equation and you would go into work, then your sickness isn’t that bad and you are using it as a way to rationalize this falsehood.

I am sorry but I am just calling it the way I see it. Seems that I am alone in this but I had to speak up.

A lie is a lie. Now while it might not be a grave matter, it is no small thing to commit a sin, even venial, not only knowingly but intentionally.
Jobs may be temporary but obligations are not. This job you took on put an obligation on you. You are counted on to do your job, to fulfill a task.
What about the obligation to the course work?

today, “calling in sick” does not mean a lie. I worked my way through college in a kitchen as a manager. On more than one instance, I was asked to find a replacement for a shift because the demands of life got in the way of a specific schedule. Depending on his manager and duties, they may not be “mission critical”, request for time off, not a lie about being sick, could be granted. It helps if you find someone to cover the shift in advance. If you do not have a person, call as far in advance as possible to give the boss a fighting chance to fill the shift.

Our lives are filled with obligations that sometimes conflict. I was not advocating a lie as a way deal with the conflict.
just 4 him:
What about the obligation to the course work?

today, “calling in sick” does not mean a lie. I worked my way through college in a kitchen as a manager. On more than one instance, I was asked to find a replacement for a shift because the demands of life got in the way of a specific schedule. Depending on his manager and duties, they may not be “mission critical”, request for time off, not a lie about being sick, could be granted. It helps if you find someone to cover the shift in advance. If you do not have a person, call as far in advance as possible to give the boss a fighting chance to fill the shift.

Our lives are filled with obligations that sometimes conflict. I was not advocating a lie as a way deal with the conflict.
I agree, were obligations conflict then we need to work them out but “calling in sick” is a lie when you are not sick or would be at work if it wasn’t the case of other obligations.

As for course work being an obligation, yes it is, to one’s self. Work is an obligation to others. So when these to conflict work should win out.

What you are talking about, finding someone to fill your shift, or talking to your boss about why you need the time off is not “calling in sick” and in this case is the way sarcophagus should go.

Exams are usually scheduled, especially big ones, so if he needs to cram, which again I think is bad, then he should have planned for this ahead of time. As he didn’t he should not lie and “call in sick”. He should call in an try to explain it and get the time off or find someone to cover for him. Other than that, go to work and do not lie.

Again, I can not believe that I am the only one who thinks this way.
Call in with the truth. Just say “I need to use a sick day” (assuming that is what they are called), most won’t press you on why, but if they do, just tell them the truth and if they freak out, tough noogies.

Here’s a hint–call one of your friends in the workplace and ask them to report that you are not coming in.

My question would be this, do they pay you for sick days? If not, then the “obligation” is nullified by the lack of compensation. You are just telling them that you aren’t going to sell them 8 hours of your life today. If they DO pay you for sick time, I assume that it is time that you accrue, then you have earned it and you are free to do with it as you please. I have been in this game for too long to give a single iota of loyalty to a company. Period. Companies are loyal to the bottom line and their stock holders. If you are causing the company to go into the red, you will be given a pink slip quicker than you can say “Bob’s you uncle” and you workload will be dumped on some poor sap that has more “value” to the company.

I don’t ever ask for time off. I tell them when I’m not coming in. There is never a discussion about it. If they say no, I tell them “I won’t be here. If it is a problem, let me know, I’ll put out my resume.” If I have accrued vacation or personal time, I use it. If not, I take unpaid leave. My family and other obligations are too important to play beggar with a stupid company that makes me sign a paper stating that they can terminate my employment without notice or cause. That’s right, your employer can walk into your cubicle with a box and a termination letter and say, “Scott, management has decided that you cannot work here anymore. Please remove your personal effects and surrender your security badge. Details of your termination are detailed in this letter. Here is your COBRA eligibility form. Have a nice day.” Granted this rarely happens, but before you start a day of work, they make you sign a paper that gives them the right to do this.

Companies use people to fatten their profit column. I do the same. If a company becomes too demanding of my time and effort, as it relates to my compensation, I find work elsewhere. Company loyalty died in the 70s where companies started treating people like machines, replacable. How many cases have you heard about where a 52 year old guy who has been working for a company for some 30 years, has his 401K account wiped out because of corporate mismanagement and then gets “downsized” and can’t find a job at the same compensation level? He has morgaged the farm with a huge house payment, college tuition for his 2 kids, has a 535 BMW on lease, and a timeshare. These things happen on a daily basis, and they won’t teach you about them in school.
If your sick, then your sick.

I am sorry but I am just calling it the way I see it. Seems that I am alone in this but I had to speak up.
I’m with you. A lie, however rationalized, is still a lie.
Scott Waddell:
Here’s a hint–call one of your friends in the workplace and ask them to report that you are not coming in.
Are you serious? Have someone else tell the boss you wont be in.

Take ownership this is your problem not your friend’s problem.
I don’t get compensated for sick days at all…If I call in sick, I lose money.

How am I rationalizing one thing with another? I’m sick, I have been for weeks and have been going to work. They know I have been sick, and were happy that I came into work anyway. Today is worse, however, and I have made a doctor’s appointment. They know this. This difference with today, is I also have an exam tomorrow. I told them this as well, since they know all of our exam schedules. I am not lying when I call in sick. My obligations are myself (to recover) and school. I’m not lying when I call in sick. I’ll present a doctor’s note as well.
Today is worse, however, and I have made a doctor’s appointment. They know this. This difference with today, is I also have an exam tomorrow.
You have worked while sick. Then you say that today is different because you are worse then you contradict yourself and say the only difference today is that you have an exam tomorrow.

This is where we get that you are rationalizing.
My obligations are myself (to recover) and school. I’m not lying when I call in sick. I’ll present a doctor’s note as well.
This is where we disagree. You also have an obligation to your boss and your co-workers.

It is good that you get a note, but what’s different today than all the other days you worked sick.

Again to the top of my reply. It does appear that you are rationalizing this and part of doing this is the doctor.
byzcath, have you ever been sick before? I have pneumonia (or something like it). I have yet to go to the doctor’s, though I made an appointment today because I wasn’t sure if it was just a cold. Because of working while I’m sick, I haven’t had the time to recover, thus making it worse. I can barely breathe today, I’m in constant pain. This has changed since the last time I have worked when it was uncomfortable, but bareble.

It is entirely possible to get worse. Whether I have an exam tomorrow or not has nothing to do with my illness. I do know that I have an obligation, but since they made me feel guilty last time for calling in sick (food poisoning about 2 months ago) I haven’t because I was afraid of losing my job. However, today I just can’t work, I’m too sick, and I have to study.

Why do you see things as being so wrong? It’s not impossible to be sick and have an exam the next day and have to work. These things happen. I’m not calling in sick because I have an exam, I’m calling in because I am sick. The fact that if I call in sick then I will have more time to study for the exam is just an affect of calling in sick, not my intention (as I may have made it sound in my original post).
This media is very limiting. As was commented on by just 4 him in a private message to me.

We can only go on what we are told. This is also why sarcasm does not work very well.

It seems that you posted asking for opinions and you told us somethings. When some started taking an opinion against what you want to do you got upset and gave more information but some of that information is conflicting.

You did not tell us that you are sick until post #8 and then you add in post #16 that you have been sick for 2 weeks but continuing to go to work while sick.

Also in post #16 you said, “This difference with today, is I also have an exam tomorrow”.

I am sorry that some of us do not agree with what you want to do. This is the chance you take when you post personal things and ask for opinions.

I think this is one of the reasons why this is a banned topic, or at least close to a banned topic.

See post #3 in this thread, Banned Topic: Private Information

Be upset with me if you like but by what has been posted here and looking in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, I do not believe that it is right to just “Call in sick”.
I don’t know if this is the right place…but I need an opinion.

I feel so bad about this, I hate calling in sick to work but…

I feel like i was run over by a truck…plus I have a HUGE exam tomorrow that, if I go to work tonight, I’ll have no time to study for…would you still go to work or would you call in sick?

I know this sounds trivial, maybe even easy to answer, but I just can’t figure it out.

Honesty is the best policy. If I were legitimately sick or run down, I would call in sick and get some rest. If you have a virus, you could spread it to others at work. Hopefully, you have not waited until the last minute to study for your exam.
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