What would you say to a homosexual who wants to be a priest in the RCC?

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I honestly feel bad for Weaklands. He made certainly mistakes (especially handling the sex abuse in his diocese) but he also dedicated his life to the priesthood. He is an old man now, he cannot hurt anybody and he is getting ready to the end of his life. It is, in my opinion, awful, that no religious community would let him spent the rest of his life with them. They are treating him as an outcast with no chance of redemption.
So do I, and he and I would definitely be at odds on many matters of sacramental and moral theology. But I honor him as a priest of God, and I try to tell myself that many people in the 20th century, for reasons that would fill a book — social, historical, political, psychological, media influence, what have you — “just didn’t think right”, and I can only hope that Our Lord accepts them as they are, not as they should be.

I hope that he can, at the very least, be of some consolation to the other people who live in what looks to be a very nice retirement complex. Perhaps he even celebrates Mass there and administers the sacraments.
I just searched their website. Looks pretty sweet to me. And they do have Mass celebrated on the premises.

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I honestly feel bad for Weaklands.
I feel bad for the victims who also include those who may have lost The Faith due to his scandal.
They are treating him as an outcast with no chance of redemption.
He has been redeemed. What he might need to be concerned about is repentance. Only he can deny himself that.
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