What would YOU want to see

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Because when someone says take this, the natural thing is to look at what “this” is. Also when someone holds something up, it is for you to behold.

I had a priest explain it one time, but basically we should only bow or nod when the Priest does, after the Eucharist or Chalice is elevated.
Yes, and also give notice far enough in advance. I don’t really appreciate getting an email on Monday about something happening on Tuesday, or seeing in the bulletin that something is happening that Sunday afternoon. Sometimes I’ll check the bulletin on Sunday and see an announcement for something that happened on Saturday!
Because when someone says take this, the natural thing is to look at what “this” is. Also when someone holds something up, it is for you to behold.

I had a priest explain it one time, but basically we should only bow or nod when the Priest does, after the Eucharist or Chalice is elevated.
Okay. I guess I !is read your post. Yes, I wait to bow or nod AFTER the Eucharist or Chalice when the priest kneels.
is elevated.
Reading everything, you guys are giving me some good insight!

I will work through my replies. Really, fantastic feedback.!

ETA - a couple folks talked about giving info on who was baptized, who was received in, etc. We tried to do that 3 or 4 years ago. What happened was not everyone would sign a release to have their name/face used in print/electronic media (our Diocese Safe Environment requires we get releases).

When we used only the people who gave permission, there would be “well, Sally Sue and my grandchild Timmy were in that group”. We’d explain that they/their parent did not sign the release, then they would decide to sign it and we then did the event page again OR the person simply got angry. For the sake of eliminating hurt feelings, the decision was made to stop that.

So, I come asking you - my focus group 🙂 - would you be willing to put your face or your child’s face/name on the www?
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That has come up in some conferences lately. I’m not a Pinterest user, so, I have to learn how to “do” that one before we can venture out, but, it is on my radar!!
We are in our second year of providing FORMED to the parish. The goal is for every parish in our Diocese to have FORMED!!!
its such a blessing… our Pastor mentions it at least once a month in homily if not kore.
To be able to go to the website and actually know everything that is going on.

Many parishes have lots of things going on, but some groups operate like clicks. Meaning you need to be in the know or know someone who is part of the group in order to know what they are doing and when they meet.

CYO - often operated like a different group all together. Would be nice to know what the game schedules are in case want to bring kids to watch.

My point: it would be great to have one master calendar that lets parishenors know EVERYTHING that is going on and details of what every ministry is and what every group does (is doing).

God Bless
We try to advertise in the bulletin for the 2 weekends before an event. For big events (guest speakers, large celebrations) there will be more advance notice.

We do publish a parish calendar on our website that has every event that is on our calendar for the future. You can look at it now and see the Lenten Mission or when is Confirmation next year.
thats another tab or section for that ideal website- the parish youth athletics, with registration, information, and schedules
Would that we had such. There are no parish youth athletics leagues in our area, I do not think they exist in the Diocese anymore. There are Catholic School athletics, we link to the school webpage.
thats what I meant. and that also reminds us to have the parish school (if there is one) linked on the site
Such events, as baptisms, are private and personal by their very nature. No need to publish such photos in the first place - to avoid unnecessary work or trouble. Again, it’s up to those participating to publish or not. It’s a hassle these days when everybody has a camera.
I think it would also be helpful to a have a page or two dedicated to local, diocesan & national Catholic organizations - if not their schedule, at least how to contact them and what they are.

For example:
a link to the Knights of Columbus and info regarding meeting times, contact info, and how to join.
same for the local Legion of Mary
third / secular order that meet in the diocese or region
local (closest) Catholic Retreat center
Diocesan speaker events
Annual Diocesan Men’s / Women’s conferences
National Catholic Singles Conference
SEEK Conference
Steubenville Conferences (youth, young adult and adult) Steubenville Conferences
Links to faithful Catholic pilgrmaage company(ies) – like: https://www.proximotravel.com/, http://www.regina-tours.com/, https://selectinternationaltours.com/, https://www.canterburypilgrimages.com/home, etc
So, I come asking you - my focus group 🙂 - would you be willing to put your face or your child’s face/name on the www?
Personally I would. Children are another matter and I would definitely defer to the parents. If people don’t want their names used perhaps a first name or first name and initial would work.

Of course I have to wonder how many of these people who don’t want their child’s name on the church web site are perfectly happy to post every last detail about the child on Facebook.
No. I’ve dealt with stalking in the past so I would absolutely not want easily googled pictures of us on the web. I wouldn’t mind a directory that goes out to registered parishioners or a bulletin insert that isn’t online, but anything where people can Google “Rosalie LastName” and find out where I go to church and find pictures of my family would be a hard no. My Facebook is set to the highest privacy setting, I’m only friends with “real friends” and relatives on there, and I still rarely post pictures and have only posted her first name. It mortifies me when I see grandmas or parents basically posting the entire birth certificate.
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I’ve dealt with stalking (and am currently a protected party under an order of protection), also. I would allow pictures without names, or first names. I’m not even on facebook, although my children are (and all of them have theirs set to the highest privacy settings available). I’m a little more comfortable now, nearly 7 years after moving here, but I’m still highly cautious.
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