
caroljm36,No one but me seems to remember this, but prior to the Pill there were quite a few embittered men who felt roped into marriage because of their “fiancé’s” pregnancy, when they thought the woman was contracepting by IUD or rhythm what have you. (My mother swore by the rhythm method.) It became a sneaky way to snag a husband–“accidentally” get pregnant and he’ll do the honorable thing. Plenty of men did (then griped about it later), but there was a bit of a revolt in the early 60s. Then when the Pill came along a lot of men had the attitude, now you don’t have any excuse for getting PG. Then when abortion became legal, it was you have no excuse to not GET RID OF IT.
Of course, through all this the man gets his way and expects no consequences. Now it seems like we’ve come to the point where it is a point of pride with many women to raise kids without a father. Like, who needs 'em. Lots of blame to go around, going way back before the 1960s. Whose fault, I don’t know.
That’s one reason I find the doctrine of Original Sin so compelling.
The behavior of men is no surprise or mystery. I think that TCB’s question was about parents and society.

I agree with TCB. I don’t think that Wilcox addressed the change in our culture. Why did families and neighbors suddenly become so willing to allow men to skate on those traditional women who did not want to kill their children?Why did parents and society give up on shot gun weddings?