What's Going on with Benny Hinn?

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Frankly, Benny Hinn has always given me the “creeps,” for some reason. Now, I’ve had a pretty positive experience with the Catholic Charismatic Renewal for several years of my life, so it’s not been the charismatic “stuff” that’s put me off. But, whenever I’ve come across the man while channel-surfing, I’ve quickly clicked by.

In the last year or so, however, I’ve noticed he’s changed his wardrobe. Sometimes, as I surfed by, my mind would register someone who looked like a Catholic priest, and I’d go back to check. No, it’s Benny Hinn–no longer wearing his heretofore trademark white suit, but now, a dark-colored one with a notched, stand-up collar, revealing his white shirt collar underneath, which is what looked like a Roman collar as I zipped by.

This past week, however, I clicked by and found Fr. Michael Manning, together with another legitimate Catholic priest, visiting Benny Hinn’s daily TV show. This time, I stayed to watch. Both priests gave good presentations of Catholic teaching on specific topics, without any challenge by Mr. Hinn, which surprised me. In fact, he announced that the rest of the week, the show would be coming from the Vatican, and spoke in glowing terms of Pope John Paul II, whose funeral he attended. So, curious, I made a point of watching Benny Hinn’s program the rest of this week. Everything was extremely positive, focusing primarily on Christian unity, and included a very nice biographical profile of our late pope…after which an expanded version on DVD was offered for $40. (No, I didn’t order it, in case you’re wondering.)

So, what’s going on with Benny Hinn? I’m sure he’s going to get some really nasty mail and phone calls from some of his constituency as a result of his program’s very positive, Catholic themes this week. Should someone put “Pastor Benny” in touch with the Coming Home Network? :confused:

(I’ve often wondered the same about Jack Van Impe, too, whom I once heard announce on *his * show that every Christian should read the Catechism of the Catholic Church!)
I once heard that Benny Hinn was doing a meeting where there some high up Catholics present (bishops maybe?). Anyway, I heard he hugged one of them (I’m not sure if he knew him personally or not) and made this statement. “I’ve always loved the Catholic Church.”

Just what I heard.
I wonder if they are getting bigtime graces from God?:confused: Now you have made me curious:hmmm: Does anyone have anymore info?
I’ve googled a little bit Lisa and I will do more. But check this out, just for fun.


This is an anti-catholic, anti-Benny Hinn webside which basically slams Benny Hinn for his stance on the Catholic Church. I’ve also seen a couple of websites that call Benny Hinn a “Roman Catholic mystic”. :bigyikes:
Can’t find nothing solid. I did find out he was educated in Catholic schools by nuns.
Can you believe that site?Did you see the proported ex-Catholic saying that Catholics didn’t have to believe in Jesus:eek: Has anyone there heard the Creed:nope: I am always amazed at the blatant lies told:eek: These sites and these people:nope: Where do they come up with this stuff?Now I feel sorry for Benny Hinn:crying: The writer of that web-site says the Holy Spirit is telling him to write this:eek: Nope not the Holy Spirithttp://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/ghost33.gif
My friend said that she saw Benny Hinn on t.v. recently with Catholic priests, and she reports that he said he experienced a “conversion” at the funeral Mass of John Paul II. She said they actually had the Catechism out and were quoting from it on his show (she grabbed hers just to make sure they weren’t misrepresenting it, and sure enough they were quoting exactly and explaining faithfully)! I believe she said she saw this just last night.

Now Benny Hinn has a very shady past, and I wouldn’t put it past him to jump on the recent fanfare for marketing purposes, but could it be that he really* did* experience a conversion? It bears watching, as I haven’t seen anything online about this very recent turn of events. If this is indeed true, I’d imagine that his program isn’t long for the channels it’s typically been on.
Ok, you can catch his archived shows on his website, and there does indeed seem to be something going with him. Todays show was a pre-recorded episode from the Vatican during the funeral Mass of JPII, and in it he seems moved that the Eastern Patriarchs were chanting, as it was a chant he remembered from his childhood. Right now I’m watching a previous episode in which they go over the Catechism. It’s very, very interesting. Right now they’re talking about how Catholics most definately and easily fit into the “proclaim Jesus and accept him into your heart” aspect of “Evangelical Christianity”, and demonstrating that we say the Creed at every Mass.

I’m telling you, folks, we may be watching the End Times.
My friend said that she saw Benny Hinn on t.v. recently with Catholic priests, and she reports that he said he experienced a “conversion” at the funeral Mass of John Paul II. She said they actually had the Catechism out and were quoting from it on his show (she grabbed hers just to make sure they weren’t misrepresenting it, and sure enough they were quoting exactly and explaining faithfully)! I believe she said she saw this just last night.

Now Benny Hinn has a very shady past, and I wouldn’t put it past him to jump on the recent fanfare for marketing purposes, but could it be that he really* did* experience a conversion? It bears watching, as I haven’t seen anything online about this very recent turn of events. If this is indeed true, I’d imagine that his program isn’t long for the channels it’s typically been on.
I agree he very well may be experiencing a conversion.Look at all the posters who were touched by the Popes death,that came here to tell us they were either fallen away Catholics or wanting to convert.
O.K. guys, I see this guys name thrown around this Catholic Answers. As a noncable subscriber, I have no clue. Who in the world is Benny Hinn?
I’m sorry, ServantofGod and others, here is what I know (very little) about Benny Hinn. He is an Israeli-born, Christian TV evangelist, who claims to also have a healing ministry. One of his parents is/was Catholic and the other Greek Orthodox. He was raised Greek Orthodox, though he attended Catholic schools as a child. At some point, he and his family ended up in North America. I have no idea how he got into his current line of work. His TV programs appear on the TBN network, which isn’t primarily cable.

I hope that helps fill you in on who we’re talking about.
Yea, I stumbled across this guy on one of the cable networks. It wasnt TBN but it was cable. He was ranting and raving about great the Catholic Church is and how great John Paul The Great was. It must have been following the funeral mass because he was talking about the funeral and how they partook of communion. Thats offensive to me because it was a lie for him to take communion and not believe everything that the Church teaches. BUT DOES HE??? If he does, then why doesnt he come home to the one true Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church that Jesus founded. I dont think that will happen because of the big money that showbiz religion show of his brings in. Oh and he was talking about Catholics and the born again experience and how we are thirsting for it. What a moron, doesnt he know that every Catholic on this planet has been BORN AGAIN through the waters of Baptism. Doesnt he realize that salvation is a work in progress. Pray for him, I think he could be converted if he could give up those possible millions that “Show” of his brings in.
Yes, I was also unhappy to hear that he “partook of Communion” at the Mass, by I suspect he did so in ignorance, not in arrogance or rebellion.

By “born again,” most non-Catholic Christians are referring to a personal conversion experience, not specifically Baptism, as Catholics–and probably Orthodox–believe Jesus is teaching Nicodemus in John 3. But even the Catholic Church recognizes the importance of a personal conversion experience at some point in every Christian’s life, no matter when he or she was baptized. We just don’t call *that * being “born again;” as you indicated, we associate that term with **Baptism ** because of John 3.
Hhmm…benny Hinn going Catholic. Would be worth watching into. It seems he’s experiencing a conversion, and I would suggest praying for his conversion.
Yes, I was also unhappy to hear that he “partook of Communion” at the Mass, by I suspect he did so in ignorance, not in arrogance or rebellion.

By “born again,” most non-Catholic Christians are referring to a personal conversion experience, not specifically Baptism, as Catholics–and probably Orthodox–believe Jesus is teaching Nicodemus in John 3. But even the Catholic Church recognizes the importance of a personal conversion experience at some point in every Christian’s life, no matter when he or she was baptized. We just don’t call *that * being “born again;” as you indicated, we associate that term with **Baptism ** because of John 3.
If he was raised catholic, and left the church and as been speculated has reverted back to catholicism, all that would be required is a good confession and he could freely partake communion.

What’s interesting is if you do a google search on: benny hinn catholic

you will see a couple of intersting sites that call him a Roman Catholic Mystic and Charistmatic Roman Catholic.
What’s interesting is if you do a google search on: benny hinn catholic
Did do that (warning to those not fully formed in the faith, please do not take this opinion as fact. It is deeply flawed):

The obviously deeply mistaken author says, “There is not an organization on the face of this earth that is more thoroughly demonic than Catholicism. It is riddled with heathen teachings and doctrines of devils.”

Hinn is quoted,“When you partake communion, you’re partaking Christ, and that heals your body.”

The sadly misinformed author believes this about Hinn, "Benny Hinn is clearly a Catholic mystic invading Charismatic and Evangelical churches with doctrines of demons. "

Now I know why Hinn is roundly condemmed by a lot of Protestants!
Jennifer123 said:
The sadly misinformed author believes this about Hinn, "Benny Hinn is clearly a Catholic mystic invading Charismatic and Evangelical churches with doctrines of demons. "

Now I know why Hinn is roundly condemmed by a lot of Protestants!

Funny stuff these Protestants believe in. If they see a guy getting close to Catholics, they blackball him. Wonderful people.
Can someone tell me which epeisodes on the Benny Hinn website are the ones where he is talking about the Catholic Church and the Catechism and the ones with the priests. Thanks.
I don’t know about Benny Hinn, but I think that TBN is appealing to more Catholics now. I have caught Fulton Sheen episodes on it every once in a while. Granted, they are the episodes that express universal, Christian beliefs.
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