The second 2 look like skits for the congregation put on by the teens. I know that those kinds of presentations are ok after
Mass is ended. They probably are trying to present the readings to a teen audience. At least i hope they are trying to act out the readings . . . Pray for them! But for certain this is it not be done during the homily or interrupt Mass only after the Holy celebration is complete are such things allowed.- at least to my understanding
Regarding the blessing of the stuffed animal thats actually a wonderful sign

.We do bless animals, houses, etc…
catechism: 1671- Among sacramentals *blessings *(of persons, meals, objects, and places) come first. Every blessing praises God and prays for his gifts. In Christ, Christians are blessed by God the Father "with every spiritual blessing."177 This is why the Church imparts blessings by invoking the name of Jesus, usually while making the holy sign of the cross of Christ.
Now the bicycle that is 100% improper.
someone find out about the skits etc… please
Peace and God Bless