I can only quote what most everyone else has said here. Thing is, it’s my own personal experience as well! I didn’t “choose” my wife, she was given to me as a gift from God; and only after much prayer.
Remember to be nice, she really is a delicate flower no matter what she shows on the outside. Making little daily sacrifices for your spouse goes a long way to honoring God, especially when you keep in mind that He sent her to be specifically with you ~ as His ‘vocation’ for her!
BUT, even when God sets His hand to your marriage, that doesn’t mean the hard part is over. Marriage is hard work on many levels, especially when life starts getting in the way (consider the Seven Deadly Sins). You must be open and honest with eachother; always ready to ask forgiveness, and more importantly to give it without being asked (in your heart and actions, not your words) {never forgive a woman verbally without her first asking; chances are you have made some error but have yet to see it for yourself. This would cause a huge fight!}. And from a mans perspective, if you are not “demanding” in how things should be - little or big - and treat her as your equal in ALL things (as God intended) then you can prove your Dad wrong.
Yes, people do change - so change together, as a couple!
Mi Amore` and I have been through the grinder and back again, but we always end up together. This I believe is Gods will, because I have gone against the advise I’ve offered above on more than one occasion. So first, last, and all times in between ~ pray for your wife, marriage, and family; and more to the point, pray for yourself to follow in St. Josephs footsteps of Father and Husband.
So to answer the question bluntly, being a happily married Catholic is the most joyous and blessed experience I’ve ever had or could even begin to dream of having. She has been the one who helped me to grow both personally and spritually. I wouldn’t ever choose to be anything but my Wife’s Husband!