Thank you so much to eveyone who shared their testimonies of happy marriage. I am truly jealous and I hope I do not end up unhappy and get a divorce like my parents did. (they both refuse to go to church anymore) Please pray for me that I stay faithful to God and find a devout Catholic wife soon becuase despair is starting to get to me.
Is it o.k. to ask God to bring someone in my life with certain qualities that I like or will that offend God? I was thinking it would help me to know if my prayer was answered becuase that person would match what I prayed for and reduce the risk that I pick the wrong person.
Is that incorrect thinking?
Someone also mentioned that they would rather leave it up to God to pick for them who would be best to marry. That sounds like the best idea right?
I don’t know how much longer I can keep hope. I just turned 26 and am seriously tired of how empty the whole dating scene is. I want my wife to be my best friend. I want something substantial. Maybe I should just give up and stay celebate.
Hi there!
Everyone has such great perspectives.
In reponse to your second post, I don’t think it is necessary for you to ask God for a specific mate. He knows you. Most importantly, He knows what you will be like in the future and will send a perfect mate for you so that you will be compatible throughout your lives. There’s a hitch, tho, for this to happen: you have to abandon yourself to His Will.
This is what most people have been telling you in this thread – some decided to “give up” on their way of picking and choosing and “gave it” to God. And their spouse was sent to them.
This is my story, too. The night before my husband met me, he told me he wept in prayer before he fell asleep, telling God he was tired of being alone, and for Him to please send him someone. While this was going on, I was in a different town, considering my own lonliness. The next day, I happened to sashay by in boots and sunglasses & he followed me to the library & we struck up a pleasant conversation – on the weather, of all things – but talking to him was like talking to a lifetime friend. He invited me to dinner and we’ve been together ever since.
Now, going back to God sending you the right spouse who will be compatible for you throughout your lifetime – here’s my little twist to that story:
My husband was a staunch protestant. He was baptised Catholic, went to Midnight Mass a couple of times with his family (and nothing else), and was “born again” when he was 18 or so. I was a staunch Catholic. He knew this when he fell in love with me and vice versa. When we married, we each had the idea that we would be converting each other.
Well, my husband converted to Catholicism some years later (God won him). And we are in more love with each other than we ever thought possible.
The point here is that we thought we were very, very compatible when we first met – realizing we’d have to settle our religious difference (our only difference) in some capacity for the sake of the children – but we never imagined we would be on the same page, with the same intensity about our Catholicism and God.
That was God’s work. I can easily see how HE KNEW how we would fit together in the future – so much more than when we first met.
Yes, we had our troubles – and many times, we asked ourselves, what are we doing? Why are we here? Why are we sticking this out?
But, God certainly knew. He knew our future. We didn’t. He saw how tightly we would fit together as husband and wife.
Abandonment. Abandon yourself to His Will. He knows your heart, your soul, and what you will be like in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years and who He will send to be compatible with you now and in the future.
God bless you.