Whats it like being a happilly married Catholic?

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Being a happily married catholic is the greatest. My husband and I share our complete lives together. We make decisions together for the good of our family without bringing pride or selfishness into our decisions. We never base our decisions on “I or me”, it is always us. We do what we are capable of doing to assist our grown children, family, neighbors and our community with love and kindness. We want everyone to see Jesus in us. We still hold hands wherever we are and even at our ages (56 & 61) enjoy each others company and playfulness.
We attend mass together in love of our Lord. We know whatever our lives bring and whenever they shall end, we will always be together in heaven with Jesus. Probably the biggest thing in our marriage is each of us feel that we are the luckie one in the marriage and because of this we never feel we can take the other one for granted. We still say thank you for even the smallest thing. We treat each other as truly equal, truly important and truly loved life partners. God has given us the gift of each other and we will not take that for granted.
We have been happily married for 18 years. When we were first married, neither of us were very serious about our faith (both Catholic, thank God). However, about three years ago I began to take my faith very, very seriously. I realized that I didn’t know diddly-squat about what I believed or why (typical poorly catechized Catholic), and decided it was high time I figure that out. Since then, I’ve been trying to remedy that and have been happily delving deeper into the treasure that is Catholicism. My husband, though not the enthusiast that I am, has been with me and just last week remarked how thankful he was that I brought him back to his faith—now what could be better than that? Our marriage has been even better than it was since we began to take our faith seriously. My husband is my best friend and companion. We enjoy life together. Faith is the cement; the source of the virtues that help keep a marriage happy and healthy, not just solvent. If you have a common faith, you will have the support you will need.
Thank you so much to eveyone who shared their testimonies of happy marriage. I am truly jealous and I hope I do not end up unhappy and get a divorce like my parents did. (they both refuse to go to church anymore) Please pray for me that I stay faithful to God and find a devout Catholic wife soon becuase despair is starting to get to me.

Is it o.k. to ask God to bring someone in my life with certain qualities that I like or will that offend God? I was thinking it would help me to know if my prayer was answered becuase that person would match what I prayed for and reduce the risk that I pick the wrong person.

Is that incorrect thinking?

Someone also mentioned that they would rather leave it up to God to pick for them who would be best to marry. That sounds like the best idea right?

I don’t know how much longer I can keep hope. I just turned 26 and am seriously tired of how empty the whole dating scene is. I want my wife to be my best friend. I want something substantial. Maybe I should just give up and stay celebate.
I don’t think asking God for a woman with certain qualities is a problem at all - but don’t take not meeting her as a sign that your prayer wasn’t answered - maybe there’s a woman out there for you that isn’t quite what you’ve imagined. As for just letting God find your spouse, remember we aren’t just puppets of God. We have free will, we have to take initiative in our own lives. Certainly pray and ask for divine guidance, but don’t just passively sit there waiting for God to drop a woman into your life. Get out there! Join a singles group, go online, get involved in activities where you can meet women, ask to be set up. It’s been my experience orthodox women far outnumber ortho men, so the odds are in your favor! 🙂
It goes both ways, it called being nice.

People forget how to be nice in marriage.
I agree. I frequently find myself being nicer to strangers than I am to my own family. Becoming aware of this has helped me treat the ones I am closest to with greater kindness.

What’s it like to be in a happy Catholic marriage? In a word, bliss. May you experience this wonderous gift from our Father.

We’ve been married for 30 years. One of the most important factors in my mind is truly knowing the other person VERY well. My wife and I knew each other for five years and were “best friends” before we married. Of those five years we “dated” only the last two. Being married to your best friend is wonderful. We went to school together, Church together, and not as a couple, simply as friends. Actually we were each “dating” other people.
What advice is there in what to look for to increase the odds that I select a good wife.
Give it time. Love at first sight is normally lust at first sight. Please don’t confuse lust for love. Don’t let sex cloud your mind. You can’t love someone you don’t know.
My dad claims that people change and you can never know if you’ll get a bum deal.
Well, your dad’s right in one respect, people do change. You can either grow together or grow apart. The good news is it’s up to you, which you’re going to do.
People forget how to be nice in marriage.
I think that’s a lot of it. My husband and I try to be polite and considerate to each other and not take everything for granted. That’s not to say that we don’t call each other out on things that are bothersome, but again, we try to solve issues rationally without yelling or insults. We’ve been married for 14 months, and although we squabble and argue, I don’t think we’ve ever had a screaming-and-insult match. We care about each others’ feelings too much for that.

Overall, we’re happy. My husband is not Catholic, but he knew from the get-go that my faith is very important to me, and he has always been encouraging. Before our wedding, we talked about things like whether or not we wanted children, how we would raise them, in what faith we would raise them (happily, he agreed that raising them as Catholics would be a good idea), how and where we wanted to live, how we would manage money, etc. I think a lot of people get so wrapped up in planning the perfect wedding day that they forget to discuss the stuff that is going to come up over the course of the actual marriage. I’ve heard that half of all divorces are from money issues, which I think is really sad.
Renee I love all your posts LOL I totally agree.

We are married for over 4 years and still happy! I cant remember life without him, and at the same time it seems like we just got married last week.
We appreciate each others sense of humor, like the same tv and movies, love the logic of Catholicism and the beauty and wealth of wisdom in the Church.
People ask us how we are still so happy and also ask us how we are such good parents and not stressed out- the answer is simple: Catholicism. It’s just not true that there arent instruction manuals for how to be married or how to raise kids-- theres 2000 years of saints, of theology of teachings that I rely on – our lives are easy, happy and simple because our goals are helping each other and our children to grow in holiness. We always remind each other of whats really important in life on those few occassions we might forget!

I have only been married 2 1/2 yrs. ,but I waited a long time (43 now) and I think that was a good thing. I agree with hermit (above). First, treat marriage as a sacrament! Second, follow what the Bible says, love your wives as Jesus loves the Church. It is something that I try to remember when I get angry or things get difficult. Scripture is not there as something just to be read, but as a way to be. Now, if I could just put that into practice all the time…
We have only been married for four years but we still are happy. My husband isn’t Catholic, but is very respectful of my belieffs. I would add that it is also the missing link in our marriage. We (I believe) are perfect for each other in every way except for the faith that we don’t share.

I also have to laugh at Naphali statment about being Life Giving. It was also used at our Engaged Encounter and we still say, “That’s not very life giving”
I want to be happily married to a devout practicing Catholic someday and just curious to hear some good news from happily married Catholics. Most of the marriages I know people seem unhappy or talk bad about marriage or why its stupid. I don’t want to end up unhappy like them. What advice is there in what to look for to increase the odds that I select a good wife. My dad claims that people change and you can never know if you’ll get a bum deal.
I wouldn’t know what it is like to be happily married to a devout practicing Catholic - I pray someday I will know this (been married 20 yrs hasn’t happened yet)

Your dad is right, people change and you can never know what you’ll get. So let me give you a piece of advice.

Happiness can not be found in another person or things. True happiness can only be found with God. First and foremost make your relationship with God, because not only can and will the person you marry change but so will you. God is what keeps you stable, grounded and happy. When you do ALL for the love of God that is what counts. Of course when your partner does ALL for the love of God then you will be the luckiest guy on the planet!
I’ll be married 14 years in December and I can say that we were lucky to have met through a church group for singles. OF the 14 couples who I know who met and got married only one has divorced and that marriage was annulled. My husband and I along with the other couples are all still involved in our parishes.
My wife and I have been married almost 13 years now. We have two beautiful children. We have had more but we lost a few to miscarriage and ectopic pregancies. The secret is to put God first. Ask God to bless your marriage daily. Attend church and worship together. My wife and I met in a church social. I cant remember the last argument we had. Really and honest! ITs meeting half way I think. My wife and I are both devout practricing catholics. I think that helps.
One thing I don’t think anyone mentioned so far is “don’t air your dirty laundary”. Be honest with each other as soon as disagreements or disappointments come up, and work to resolve these. But do your best not to share these with others.

You will find out quickly that happily married people do not gripe and complain much about each other (to other people). This is not to say there are not differences among the spouses, it simply means that the issues are addressed and resolved. Discussing your spouse with others can often bring on resentment because the others don’t see both sides of the story and are most likely only interested in supporting you (and you alone!).

Before my wife and I were married, we made a trip to visit my aunt and uncle. We noticed that this couple almost never said a bad word about each other…or anyone else for that matter! It made an impression on us and we adopted this approach. We’ve been married for almost 12 years now and find it amazing how people get weighed down in their marriages and in life by dwelling on the negative points in other people. It’s not worth it.

My advice… look for a friend first. If love is meant to come, God will send it and you will know.

it’s being just like me… happy, and thankful for all God’s blessings and I’m even married to a Baptist… :eek:
A previous poster stated:I didn’t “choose” my wife, she was given to me as a gift from God; and only after much prayer.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. My husband is one of God’s great gifts to me and I am His gift to my husband and that is how we treat each other (well, most of the time anyways).Some things I have found from being married almost 4 years.
Forgive easily.
Give your spouse the benefit of the doubt.
Pray together.
Eat dinner as a family, no TV.
Be the first one to perform an act of kindness for the other
Keep Christ at the center of your marriage.

I cannot tell you how much following these has increased and sustained the love my husband and I already have for each other. I thank God every day for such a wonderful gift and ask Him to make me loving as a wife.

God Bless,

Ann Elise
Thank you so much to eveyone who shared their testimonies of happy marriage. I am truly jealous and I hope I do not end up unhappy and get a divorce like my parents did. (they both refuse to go to church anymore) Please pray for me that I stay faithful to God and find a devout Catholic wife soon becuase despair is starting to get to me.

Is it o.k. to ask God to bring someone in my life with certain qualities that I like or will that offend God? I was thinking it would help me to know if my prayer was answered becuase that person would match what I prayed for and reduce the risk that I pick the wrong person.

Is that incorrect thinking?

Someone also mentioned that they would rather leave it up to God to pick for them who would be best to marry. That sounds like the best idea right?

I don’t know how much longer I can keep hope. I just turned 26 and am seriously tired of how empty the whole dating scene is. I want my wife to be my best friend. I want something substantial. Maybe I should just give up and stay celebate.
Hi there!

Everyone has such great perspectives.

In reponse to your second post, I don’t think it is necessary for you to ask God for a specific mate. He knows you. Most importantly, He knows what you will be like in the future and will send a perfect mate for you so that you will be compatible throughout your lives. There’s a hitch, tho, for this to happen: you have to abandon yourself to His Will.

This is what most people have been telling you in this thread – some decided to “give up” on their way of picking and choosing and “gave it” to God. And their spouse was sent to them.

This is my story, too. The night before my husband met me, he told me he wept in prayer before he fell asleep, telling God he was tired of being alone, and for Him to please send him someone. While this was going on, I was in a different town, considering my own lonliness. The next day, I happened to sashay by in boots and sunglasses & he followed me to the library & we struck up a pleasant conversation – on the weather, of all things – but talking to him was like talking to a lifetime friend. He invited me to dinner and we’ve been together ever since.

Now, going back to God sending you the right spouse who will be compatible for you throughout your lifetime – here’s my little twist to that story:

My husband was a staunch protestant. He was baptised Catholic, went to Midnight Mass a couple of times with his family (and nothing else), and was “born again” when he was 18 or so. I was a staunch Catholic. He knew this when he fell in love with me and vice versa. When we married, we each had the idea that we would be converting each other.

Well, my husband converted to Catholicism some years later (God won him). And we are in more love with each other than we ever thought possible.

The point here is that we thought we were very, very compatible when we first met – realizing we’d have to settle our religious difference (our only difference) in some capacity for the sake of the children – but we never imagined we would be on the same page, with the same intensity about our Catholicism and God.

That was God’s work. I can easily see how HE KNEW how we would fit together in the future – so much more than when we first met.

Yes, we had our troubles – and many times, we asked ourselves, what are we doing? Why are we here? Why are we sticking this out?

But, God certainly knew. He knew our future. We didn’t. He saw how tightly we would fit together as husband and wife.

Abandonment. Abandon yourself to His Will. He knows your heart, your soul, and what you will be like in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years and who He will send to be compatible with you now and in the future.

God bless you.
I want to be happily married to a devout practicing Catholic someday and just curious to hear some good news from happily married Catholics.
First, decide precisely what you want (as you’ve done). Then apply the means:
  • Pray about it earnestly. Offer up little acts of faith and charity for your intention.
  • Look for your spouse where she is. You may need to join a club, volunteer for a service or alter certain preferences. And that is the begining of your life-long self giving.
  • Never expect the perfect one. You may need to get as far as heaven for that.
  • You can make a perfect one out of what God chooses for you. All you need is a little patience. Just keep her sterling qualities in view always. By your 43rd anniversary, 😉 you may have almost achieved your aim.
  • To suceed in changing her defects, always pray to God to change YOU, not her. That is easier for God.
  • Agree to live out the divine matrimonial equation: one man + one woman + God = One couple(edified by their well reared children)
  • Determine to make heaven together. Millions have and are making it. Why not you too?
One thing I don’t think anyone mentioned so far is “don’t air your dirty laundary”. Be honest with each other as soon as disagreements or disappointments come up, and work to resolve these. But do your best not to share these with others.

You will find out quickly that happily married people do not gripe and complain much about each other (to other people). This is not to say there are not differences among the spouses, it simply means that the issues are addressed and resolved. Discussing your spouse with others can often bring on resentment because the others don’t see both sides of the story and are most likely only interested in supporting you (and you alone!).
Big fat :amen:

If it doesn’t concern anyone else, and you can’t talk about it in a manner that doesn’t make your spouse look bad, keep it in the marriage. Sometimes- rarely- getting objective advice on how to handle a specific situation from a trusted friend/relative is necessary, but griping about one’s spouse constantly is not. I get tired of hearing it from other people- you only hear the bad stuff, which prejudices you to the spouse. Not fair to the spouse or the person listening to the tirade.
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