What's mortal, what's venial - a very complete examination of conscience

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Dr. Colossus:
Pirating software is listed as a mortal sin? Being a technophile, I’ve been on the lookout for any teaching from the Church regarding this issue. Are they referring to simply copying software, or selling copied software to make a profit? I can see the second one, but somehow I can’t justify placing “I borrowed my friend’s Windows 95 disc and installed it on my computer” on the same level as “I borrowed my friend’s Windows 95 disc and beat him to death with it”. Though I could be wrong…
Pirating software is probably wrong, as it shows disrepect for lawful authority and for the property claims of others. But I wonder if you could automatically condemn it as a mortal sin.

The “pirate” did not break into a store and steal the software. He received and used it with permission of someone else who paid money for it. The primary wrongdoer is the one who gave the permission. And why was that wrong? Because non-negotiable language in the Microsoft contract says you can’t do that. And why can Microsoft get away with that? Because US law gives an inventor a copyright, which is a legal monopoly to be the only seller of a product. But how serious an evil is violating a monopoly’s legal rights? Is it on a par with keeping a library book our past the due date, or speeding on the freeway?

I’d recommend that software pirates pray and examine their consciences, and if they have any doubts, bring the matter before a good confessor. But it is not clear to me that this is a mortal sin.
Thank you baltobetsy for posting this… I’ve never been able to make a really good examination of conscience before confession due to sheer nerves… the list helps a lot 🙂
This is the BEST examination of conscience/preparation for Confession that I have EVER encountered.

Preparation For Confession by St. John of Kronstadt (in two parts because of length)

A meditation for those preparing to stand before the Creator and Church community in the awesome Mystery of Holy Confession, thereby being given the renewal of a second baptism.

I, a sinful soul, confess to our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, all of my evil acts which I have done, said or thought from baptism even unto this present day. I have not kept the vows of my baptism, but have made myself unwanted before the face of God. I have sinned before the Lord by lack of faith and by doubts concerning the Faith and the Holy Church; by ungratefulness for all of God’s great and unceasing gifts; His long-suffering and His providence for me, a sinner; by lack of love for the Lord, as well as fear, through not fulfilling the Holy Commandments of God and the canons and rules of the Church.

I have not preserved a love for God and for my neighbor nor have I made enough efforts, because of laziness and lack of care, to learn the Commandments of God and the precepts of the Holy Fathers. I have sinned: by not praying in the morning and in the evening and in the course of the day; by not attending the services or by coming to Church only halfheartedly. I have sinned by judging members of the clergy. I have sinned by not respecting the Feasts, breaking the Fasts, and by immoderation in food and drink.

I have sinned by self-importance, disobedience, willfulness, self-righteousness, and the seeking of approval and praise. I have sinned by unbelief, lack of faith, doubts, despair, despondency, abusive thoughts, blasphemy and swearing. I have sinned by pride, a high opinion of my self, narcissism, vanity, conceit, envy, love of praise, love of honors, and by putting on airs.

I have sinned: by judging, malicious gossip, anger, remembering of offenses done to me, hatred and returning evil for evil; by slander, reproaches, lies, slyness, deception and hypocrisy; by prejudices, arguments, stubbornness, and an unwillingness to give way to my neighbor; by gloating, spitefulness, taunting, insults and mocking; by gossip, by speaking too much and by empty speech.
I have sinned by unnecessary and excessive laughter, by reviling and dwelling upon my previous sins, by arrogant behavior, insolence and lack of respect. I have sinned by not keeping my physical and spiritual passions in check, by my enjoyment of impure thoughts, licentiousness and unchastity in thoughts, words and deeds. I have sinned by lack of endurance towards my illnesses and sorrows, a devotion to the comforts of life and by being too attached to my parents, children, relatives and friends.

I have sinned by hardening my heart, having a weak will and by not forcing myself to do good. I have sinned by miserliness, a love of money, the acquisition of unnecessary things and immoderate attachment to things. I have sinned by self-justification, a disregard for the admonitions of my conscience and failing to confess my sins through negligence or false pride.

I have sinned many times by my Confession: belittling, justifying and keeping silent about sins. I have sinned against the Most-holy and Life-creating Mysteries of the Body and Blood of our Lord by coming to Holy Communion without humility or the fear of God. I have sinned in deed, word and thought, knowingly and unknowingly, willingly and unwillingly, thoughtfully and thoughtlessly, and it is impossible to enumerate all of my sins because of their multitude. But I truly repent of these and all others not mentioned by me because of my forgetfulness and I ask that they be forgiven through the abundance of the Mercy of God.
We all know that the mortal sins are to break God’s Ten Commandments, and no question with that. But to examin venial sins is hard for us to notice. As far as I know venial sins are sins that can be the root of mortal sins. Any little thing we do that forwarded to a mortal sin is a venial sin. Example; there are people whose habit to say bad words, but they are not mean to it, it is just come out to their mouth but not intenionally to hurt somebody’s feeling. There will be no problem if the person that we are talking to, knew us. But for a sensitive people, it could hurt his/her feeling and could that start an anger, and that anger can be a hatred that start to do mortal sin. So the best way to do, is to focus on our consience, it will remind us if we can cause a sin or not.
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