The fact that you can even consider two distinct possibilities, being and non-being, is something that would obviously be out of the question if you did not exist.
You aren’t living in a vacuum. You mean something to many people. . . perhaps to your parents, other relatives, friends. Even if you had none of that, even if you were living in poverty or pain, your existence has a meaning. Who knows what lives you have touched for the better? Who knows if days, weeks, months, or years from now you experience an epiphany such that even your feelings now are transformed in retrospect?
We all have our days when we would like to opt out of the responsibilities we have as creatures on earth and, if we can’t have for some reason a happiness in existence just for existence’s sake, the temptation to want to control our experience and just ‘blot it out’ because we THINK that would be better. For whom? How would you know, because you’re basing your conclusions (which you only can attempt because you exist) on data that is already ‘corrupted’ and incomplete.
Have you considered a reputable therapist to help you to feel better?