What's the most beautiful habit you've ever seen?

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DaughterOfMary6- Are you discerning with the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word?
I am in contact with the Vocation Mistress, Sr. Louise Marie. I just started contact this week, so nothing is for certain, but I would like to visit them. Please pray that I can find a way in the next few months. I am already looking for a new job. 🙂
Is Sister going to give you some dates to come visit? I don’t know how it works with them yet as I haven’t gotten that far yet.

:extrahappy: I know how you feel! 🙂 It’ll come before you know it! The months have just been flying by.
Is Sister going to give you some dates to come visit? I don’t know how it works with them yet as I haven’t gotten that far yet.

:extrahappy: I know how you feel! 🙂 It’ll come before you know it! The months have just been flying by.
Well, I told her I’d let her know when I am able to visit since I have no money to visit right now. 😦

My friend offered to help pay for my transportation when she found out I was discerning, but I have trouble taking money from someone else for stuff like that. I guess I should just swallow my pride, but it’s difficult, you know? :o She told me not to worry about it because she has helped Dominican orders in the past and would love to help me, especially since I am discerning the Dominican charism. We’ll see.
I love the ones for the Carmelites. I have a huge amount of respect for the Order and I wish I had the temperment to be a part of it.Maybe I do and I just don’t realize it yet. I also love the one my other favorite Order wears, the Franciscan Sisters Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus and of Mary Immaculate.
I also have to add The Missionaries of Charity. I love that Order so much but I don’t think I’m called to it. I’m called to support them by donations though absolutely
And I’m a supporter of the Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters. Pink is my favorite color and I never knew an Order that would have a pink habit. If I was called to be a cloister, I would join them or the Carmelites. But it pleases my heart to know that such an Order exists 🙂
I can name three pre-Vatican II favorites: The Dominican (of San Rafael, CA), the Discalced Carmelite, and the Ursuline. All are beautifully elegant and modest.
The one I wear is most beautiful to me even though we are making modifications to it as we start new foundation here in the UK.
The one I wear is most beautiful to me even though we are making modifications to it as we start new foundation here in the UK.
Yes, it is beautiful…God bless, you for sharing.

I may have asked this question before but what order or congregation do you belong too?

Is there a website or a video about the order on YouTube? or anywhere else?

I recently read your blog I am so sorry that you’ve been ill and hospitialized but I am glad to hear that you have been working with your doctor.

Happy Birthday Sr. Leocadia.

An off topic question (umm not really) St. Bernadette entered Sisters of Charity of Nevers. I’m curious to know what their habit or their clothing looks like now?

Like, I stated before I really like the habit of Praying.

God bless,
The most beautiful habit that I’ve ever seen is the one that is worn by the Dominicans.
Yes, it is beautiful…God bless, you for sharing.

I may have asked this question before but what order or congregation do you belong too?

Is there a website or a video about the order on YouTube? or anywhere else?

I recently read your blog I am so sorry that you’ve been ill and hospitialized but I am glad to hear that you have been working with your doctor.

Happy Birthday Sr. Leocadia.

An off topic question (umm not really) St. Bernadette entered Sisters of Charity of Nevers. I’m curious to know what their habit or their clothing looks like now?

Like, I stated before I really like the habit of Praying.

God bless,
I don’t live quite far from Nevers. Well I’m not even sure they still have a religious habit. You can’t see on the photos of the website, they’re too small:

But when I went into the sanctuary, where the body of the saint lays, I was shocked to see a woman knitting, looking at people and snapping when they tried to take pictures. She was, I guess, one of the sisters. No specific religious habit. But I was shocked by her behaviour in front of the blessed sacrament.
I don’t live quite far from Nevers. Well I’m not even sure they still have a religious habit. You can’t see on the photos of the website, they’re too small:

But when I went into the sanctuary, where the body of the saint lays, I was shocked to see a woman knitting, looking at people and snapping when they tried to take pictures. She was, I guess, one of the sisters. No specific religious habit. But I was shocked by her behaviour in front of the blessed sacrament.
First of all my heart and Prayers goes out to you and to all of France.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question. I was wondering (at the time and I still do) what their habits or clothing look like because the pictures that are provided on the website are very small and grainy/blurry looking.

I’ve also tried looking for images of the Sisters of the Charity of Nevers of Sisters of the Charity and Christian Instructions on Google Images but I couldn’t find any.

I know quite a bit about St. Bernadette but I have to admit I don’t know much about the Religious Order that she joined and it would be nice to see what they look like now.

That is a little bit odd that a woman would be knitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Perhaps, it is best to discuss matters with whomever is in charge and your parish Priest.

Another thing too, we don’t really know this woman’s heart perhaps she was offering her work as a Prayer to Our Lord or perhaps she was knitting something like a pair of mittens or a scarf to someone less fortunate.

Well, like I suggested before you might want to discuss matters to whomever is in charge and with your parish Priest.

Also, please don’t forget to Pray.

God bless,

I love Mother Theresa’s! The order’s proper name I can’t remember… I always get it wrong. Anyway I think it’s beautiful and simple as well as cool enough and not hard to work in, those nuns do a lot of work!
I love Mother Theresa’s! The order’s proper name I can’t remember… I always get it wrong. Anyway I think it’s beautiful and simple as well as cool enough and not hard to work in, those nuns do a lot of work!
Are you thinking of Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s Missionaries of Charity?
Are you thinking of Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s Missionaries of Charity?
Thank you, that’s it! I always confuse “Sisters of Charity” with “Missionaries of Charity”. (Mother Theresa also gets my vote to be in the top 10 “Most Beautiful People.” I just love her!)
Dominican Habit all the way 🙂
But let’s admit it… all religious are beautiful. They radiate love for Christ!
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