I’ve been following a few threads here that are really slamming on converts, particularly the Hahns. The complaints all seem to be that these upstarts are rocking our boat. I am a convert to the Church and disagree with the notion that converts aren’t “Catholic enough”.
To say that someone who wasn’t raised in a nominally Catholic environment, didn’t take every devotional for granted but rather, actually saw the beauty of the faith and chose to follow it, often at great personal cost, is not a well-formed Catholic is preposterous.
One allegation said that well-known speakers who enthusiastically proclaimed their love for Christ and His Church sounded effeminate. This line of accusations is scandalous, offensive, and betrays a serious deficiency of spiritual maturity.
An important aspect of the Catholic Answers apostolate is evangelization. If converts come in with a stigma of second-class citizens, we’re doing something wrong. I don’t think converts are the cause of the Church’s problems but are, rather, a grace from Above.
To say that someone who wasn’t raised in a nominally Catholic environment, didn’t take every devotional for granted but rather, actually saw the beauty of the faith and chose to follow it, often at great personal cost, is not a well-formed Catholic is preposterous.
One allegation said that well-known speakers who enthusiastically proclaimed their love for Christ and His Church sounded effeminate. This line of accusations is scandalous, offensive, and betrays a serious deficiency of spiritual maturity.
An important aspect of the Catholic Answers apostolate is evangelization. If converts come in with a stigma of second-class citizens, we’re doing something wrong. I don’t think converts are the cause of the Church’s problems but are, rather, a grace from Above.