The Catholic Church has the richest and deepest teachings theologically, and I think converts see it more so then most cradle Catholics. … And when they start to explore the teachings of the Catholic Church with all the Church documents that have been passed down from Ignatius, Polycarp, Clement, etc, much like myself they are like a kid in a candy store learning about how Christians believed in the Early Church.
New converts (I’m a convert of 37 years, so am an “old” convert, and was only 18 when I entered the Church) are exactly like kids in a candy store, as Copland says. So many riches, so much to explore!! And understandably, too, still a lot to learn and get used to, so sometimes they still query things.
The “convert fever” they manifest may disconcert some cradle Catholics - it just doesn’t seem quite “Catholic”. Never fear, converts will come down to earth sooner or later. (Incidentally, a lot of “single” converts may feel they are called to the priesthood and the religious life, and wise spiritual directors will make them wait a few years!!)
I’ve encountered this “not quite the genuine article” phenomenon a few times (as recently as this year to my astonishment! - heck, how long does it take!! ), but I liken it to that kind of “regionalism” that you find in countries around the world - maybe also in the States? where, if you weren’t born and bred in a particular area, however tiny that region, you may be regarded as an alien for a very long time!
It has never bothered me too much. I have a sneaking suspicion that if I were a cradle Catholic, I also might think that converts were a bit too noisy and enthusiastic, with some weird baggage from their non-Catholic pasts!!
Human nature shouldn’t ever surprise us!
A Te numquam separari permittas - never let me be separated from You