What you are saying is that if you phrase the question so that it is addressed to a variable “you” and is asking this variable “you” about their opinion, then it is relative. What I am saying is that that’s fine, but each instance of the asking of such a question, if the “you” is replaced by whoever “you” refers to at that time, is an absolute question. Further, there is an absolute “matrix” of solutions even if you don’t absolutize the question ie:I’m not sure you understand the difference.
What is your favourite ice cream, Fred?
That is a relative statement. It is true dependant only on what Fred thinks.
What’s Fred’s favourite ice cream, Bert?
That is an absolute statement. It is true whatever Bert or anyone else thinks.
What is your favorite ice cream?
Addressed to: Fred Bob ...
Answer: Chocolate Peanut Butter ...
I did not mean to imply that that’s the only way, only that that is the fool proof way. The idea is that we know things that are (to the best of our knowledge) true, and that we reason based on them in ways that are (to the best of our knowledge) correct, and so arrive at results that are (to the best of our knowledge) absolutely true.But you are suggesting that the only way to find this ‘objective truth’ is to be all knowing and have perfect reason. Maybe you can see where this takes us. But us poor mortals, not being granted the means to reason perfectly and not being omniscient cannot access this ‘objective truth’. In which case, the question of whether it actually does exist becomes moot.
It’s entirely possible that we messed up somewhere, but if so, that’s a problem with what we did, not with the truth itself.
Likewise, it’s entirely possible that we didn’t mess up, and most of us believe that we haven’t messed up on each particular thing that we believe (while generally believing that it’s possible that we may have messed up on some few unspecified things).
Not so. We know how to access it, we just don’t always follow the process perfectly.The fact that people disagree means that if this ephemeral objective truth exists, then we have no way of knowing how to access it. As you explained above.
Morally bound to follow a course of action. And what I said is that what we are morally bound to do depends on what we “know”. Objective morality is what we would be bound to if what we know is right, subjective morality is what we are actually bound to.Morally bound? To what? You have just said that you cannot access it. That you don’t know what it is. Yet you feel quite entitled to say that you should be bound by it. Doesn’t that strike you as being a nonsensical position?
Example: it is Catholic teaching that (consummated sacramental) marriage is indissoluble. We say this is objectively true. Thus, if someone who knows this attempts a second marriage after a first indissoluble one, they are violating both objective morality and subjective morality
But the Catholic Church recognizes that a lot of people don’t believe this. If a protestant, say (someone who’s marriage was sacramental) attempts a second remarriage, according to Catholicism the second marriage is still invalid since objective truth applies to everyone, and ideally that protestant should not have tried to have a second marriage, but he has no moral guilt for doing so (assuming due diligence and all of that in forming his beliefs).
So, we know HOW to access it - reason and observation - we just also know that occasionally we mess up, and that our well intentioned mess ups done despite due diligence etc (while they may have bad consequences, because doing bad things is bad) may not be moral failings.
And what about this question makes it different from the question of, say, climate change? Is it true for Fred that anthropogenic climate change is happening, and for Bob that it is not? If that’s impossible, then why? Why would morality magically be different?Exactly. It’s true for you. No problem there…
Nope, see above.It’s not Fred that is confused. You have already maintained that he would need to know: ‘absolutely everything there is to know about everything and reasons perfectly’.
Yes, that is the position we are in, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t right or wrong, or that we can’t correct our beliefs to conform to what is true as we discover (to the best of our ability) what that is. We act according to our beliefs, sure, but our beliefs can be right or wrong.He’s in exactly the same position as you. The same position as me. He makes decisions relative to his own beliefs and his own circumstances.