What's Wrong with Freemasonry?

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Everything I have read about the freemasons…points to satanism. Now…the ppl low on the totem pole so to speak, dont know what the higher degrees are doing…and actually believe they are doing good…but…33rd is as bad as you can get in that org. More than likely he just didn’t tell ya.

Here is some info I found out about the masons:

Too much to paste, here’s the link:

I would ask that venom not be spewed at these men. The members I knew were good men, just led astray. Instead, we must inform them of the truth. Not just that which states that freemasonry is wrong, but the larger Truth which is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
In Christ,
My maternal grandfather once held the senior office in the local Masons and was very active. He was a protestant, and was entirely honorable.

My father was a Knight of Columbus and I am now as well. For Catholics, K of C is the way to go.

On at least one major radio station in the Northeast, Ads have been running for many months now asking people to join the Freemasons. They talk about George Washington and other important figures. They make it a historical and business type ad.(Heard Ad today).

Odd Fellows and Freemasons have fun things like pancake breakfasts and they help with Christmas fund raisers. We know there are honorable people in this organization.(All seems so good, but core of beliefs aren’t)

The Masons did get bad press when Dad of murdered young Molly Bish said the Mason stole the money that people had raised?
On at least one major radio station in the Northeast, Ads have been running for many months now asking people to join the Freemasons. They talk about George Washington and other important figures…
Masons like to trumpet George Washington and most other Founding Father’s as being diehard Freemasons, however the historical facts paint a far different picture. I recently read this book which dispells many of the historical myths about American Freemasonry. The book also debunks the oft depicted mythological image of George Washington in Masonic apron laying the cornerstone of the Capitol.

Also all Shriners(burn centers in US) are apparently Masons?? They are in all parades in their little cars often doing fund raising.
Freemasons only of the 33rd degree and higher are privy to such internal truths, such as the phallic pillars in their tracing boards, the pentagram of stars in even the first degrees tracing boards. And even if you are 33 degrees, that does not necessarily mean you are invited into “truth”. Trust me. My family knows this all too well.
Everything I have read about the freemasons…points to satanism. Now…the ppl low on the totem pole so to speak, dont know what the higher degrees are doing…and actually believe they are doing good…but…33rd is as bad as you can get in that org. More than likely he just didn’t tell ya.

Here is some info I found out about the masons:

Too much to paste, here’s the link:

Irony of ironies… the website you provide a link for is not only anti-Masonic, but also very anti-Catholic. They promote Jack Chick publications. :o
I don’t know that much about the Masons except for what I read online, which I typically only believe about 2% of.

Now I would never join the Masons since the Church says it’s a bad idea, and from what I do know about it, it appears to be incongruant with Catholic beliefs. However I don’t think we should label them satanists. Fact is we don’t really know, and linking to anti-masons sites for proof’ doesn’t sit well with me, because typically those same sites trash Catholics too.

Our country was founded by a ton of Free-Masons, so it’s scary to think the system we follow could’ve been founded by satanists bent on undermining religion and the world.
Our country was founded by a ton of Free-Masons…
Some, but not “a ton.” As I noted above, the involvement of Freemasons in the founding of the U.S. is way overblown and skillfully refuted in this book**. **For example, George Washington was a nominal Mason at best. He never became a Grand Master as many Masons like to point out and he only attended lodge twice in a thirty year period, yet the Masons act like he was the consumate Freemason and have even built an eloborate temple to him in Alexandria, Virginia. :whacky:
An interesting side bit on this is Joseph Smith was a Mason, and was said to have issued half of the Masonic rally call before being shot dead, “Oh, Lord, My God, is there no help for the widow’s son?”. Many of the Mormon temple rituals have been linked to Masonic Temple rituals.
Originally posted by Chickamauga
George Washington was a nominal Mason at best. He never became a Grand Master as many Masons like to point out
Am getting the book you suggested and I think this is true of alot of Masons, Oddfellows and Shriners. They join. They are doing honest good deeds but they really don’t even know the core beliefs. And now the Mormons.
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