Whats wrong with this picture?

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I see the hand of God here. I mean these were the men that said ‘no’ to an explicit reference of the Christian heritage of Europe. They then broadcast the singing of the new Constitution all over Europe in the following setting!!! :dancing:

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

I think they could have found a better place for a singing if they were totally serious about refusing to recognise Europe’s Christian hertitage.! :rotfl:

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As the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”, and to me this one is worth many more than a thousand.

Linda H.
I see the hand of God here. I mean these were the men that said ‘no’ to an explicit reference of the Christian heritage of Europe. They then broadcast the singing of the new Constitution all over Europe in the following setting!!! :dancing:

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

I think they could have found a better place for a singing if they were totally serious about refusing to recognise Europe’s Christian hertitage.! :rotfl:

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For fear of sounding like an idiot,but recognising that a dose of humility is always good I have to ask.What is the statue behind them?I can not make out details:o God Bless
For fear of sounding like an idiot,but recognising that a dose of humility is always good I have to ask.What is the statue behind them?I can not make out details:o God Bless
It is a statue of Pope Innocent X in an historic hall on Capitoline Hill in Rome.
It is a statue of Pope Innocent X in an historic hall on Capitoline Hill in Rome.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Thats classic:thumbsup: God Bless
ps.I converted in 1994,I am always learning something new:) God Bless
Somehow I feel a pope or two looking down saying quietly “Gotcha!” 😃
Somehow I feel a pope or two looking down saying quietly “Gotcha!” 😃
Especially Innocent X, who was noted for his state craft.
Brilliant!!! Now I will happily meet my God, he really has got a sense of humour:angel1:
Let’s not remind them of the Marian influences on the European Flag either. Teeheehee;)

All in all a very Catholic picture indeed.
and one that would scare the daylights out of many fundamentalists…

‘i KNEW it’, i hear them saying, ‘the catholic church really IS behind it all…’
and one that would scare the daylights out of many fundamentalists…

‘i KNEW it’, i hear them saying, ‘the catholic church really IS behind it all…’
But this is about Europe and the European Community. I assume you are referring to American fundamentalist Christians. Do they care about what happens in Europe? Heck, Christianity is Europe is almost exclusively Catholic or the mainline Protestant denominations–Lutheran, Anglican, Calvinist. American-style fundamentalists may want to and try to gain a foothold in Europe but it is pretty tough going (for a lot of reasons).
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