What's your favorite part of Holy Week?

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  • Getting free palms on Palm Sunday.
  • Foot washing on Maundy Thursday.
  • Eucharist adoration on Maundy Thursday.
  • Venerating the cross at Good Friday service.
  • Stations of the Cross during the week and on Good Friday.
  • Interactive Gospel readings on Palm Sunday and Good Friday.
  • Easter Vigil.
  • Other.
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Ever since I was a kid -
the sweet memory of having my own palms -
Even now - seeing little ones with them -
Reminds of the scripture - when leaders urged Jesus to reprimand the kids !
“ Master ! They must not speak so “ !
I voted other. My favorite part is watching all the R.C.I.A candidates and others being baptized and confirmed into the Church.
The holiness that is associated with it (Holy Week).

btw, will have my feet washed by the Archbishop this Holy Thursday together with the other eleven men.

God bless.
My favourite is the Eucharistic adoration on Maundy Thursday. Our basilica, and all the vicinity parishes, open their doors for a full 24 hours on Maundy Thursday, so that the faithful can “keep watch” and adore. In fact, it has caught on, even the Anglicans are doing it now. The two churches in the next town over are having Benediction and adoration after their foot-washing service. I know it’s redundant, but it’s a good sign of reviving Tractarianism.

I also love Good Friday. I love the three hour service of the commemoration, and the music is haunting. Simple, reverent, unaccompanied.
For me its the palms just because I can remember it so early as a kid always making crosses out of them during mass. Even present day, I like the blessings of the palms, also braid and cross making with them 😊
I love the entire Triduum.
  1. I go to the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday morning (at our Cathedral)
  2. Then, I typically to the Lord’s Supper Holy Thursday night (at our Cathedral)
  3. Next, I to to the Cathedral on Good Friday for 3 hours of prayer and lessons before the Good Friday services - so all in all, I spend about 5 hours in Church on Good Friday
  4. Then, I go to the Easter Vigil either at the Cathedral or the parish I was baptized in.
  5. Finally, I go to Easter Sunday, which is truly a celebration & party after taking part in the entire Triduum.
God Bless!
For me it has to be Easter Vigil and lighting candles. The preparation for the Messiah theme in the Old Testament creates a sense of anticipation and then suddenly! the lights come on with the Gloria with the bells ringing throughout — the Messiah is here! This is just absolutely amazing stuff.
My own feeling is, if you love the RCC celebration of Holy Week, the best answer would be, “All of it.”
When I worked in the meat room, Holy Week always meant kielbasa flying out the door, as well as a lot of varieties of pickled herring.

The foods were interesting, things you wouldn’t see all year. Although here in Pittsburgh, whatever you didn’t sell for Catholic Easter, you could sell to the orthodox in a week or two for what the Greeks called “real” Easter.
The holiness that is associated with it (Holy Week).

btw, will have my feet washed by the Archbishop this Holy Thursday together with the other eleven men.

God bless.
In our Archdiocese, the Archbishop washes the feet of the seminarians, which I think is pretty cool.
Not even a question: the Easter Vigil.

The Easter season is the high point of the entire Liturgical year.

The Easter Triduum is the high point of the Easter season.

The Easter Vigil is the high point of the Easter Triduum.

If someone for whatever reason could only attend one single Mass per year and could choose any Mass, hands down the Easter Vigil should be that Mass.

The entire Liturgical year flows from, and to, the Easter Vigil celebration, the Great and Holy Pasch.
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My favorite part of Holy Week is the Triduum. I have to attend all three services for Easter to make any sense to me. It’s not required, of course, but these three days are my favorite of the whole year!
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