What's your hobby or interest?

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Exactly! Everyone should work together and enjoy showing up. I like seeing my coworkers :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Hobbies kinda vary with time. I suppose CAF could be considered a hobby. Certainly I devote significant time to it.

My favorite hobby, that I currently devote not much time to, other than answering various email questions I get is vacuum tube audio.

Another one that I devote very little time to is ham radio. I do keep my code speed up, though.

Reading… I’m an avid reader, be it The Bible, books on Christianity, Science Fiction, Technical journals, mysteries, etc.

My best “hobby” is my full time job. I love my work and have no intention of retiring ever., even though I’m well above retirement age.

(She’s a real nerd - I hear those snickers).

You must really love your work 🙂 …and no, I didn’t snicker…much…
(what Is ham radio? Excuse my ignorance…)
vacuum tube audio
what exactly does this entail?

my first thought went to the old radios i used to repair as a hobby that had vacuum tubes in them. i still have 2 i plan to fix when I retire.

or is it the newer hifi vac tubes amplifiers

or old time radio, i like the old gunsmoke shows when i’m walking.
Yes, I do enjoy my work. Very much so. Being paid is icing on the cake.

Ham radio, or more formally, amateur radio is wireless (radio) communication with other licensed people for various purposes… experimentation, just plain yacking, contests, emergency communication during disasters, seeing how far away you can talk, etc. This is done via digital communication, Morse code, voice, picture etc.
Could be all of the above. It’s kind of retro, but the musical sound produced by vacuum tubes used as hi fi amplifiers has a unique quality to it. Also related to guitar amps. You’ll find a large percentage of particularly rock guitarists still use vacuum tube amplifiers due to the “tone” of the tube amp.

Similar to the old radios you mention.

I’m a pretty well recognized expert in the hi fi field, due to the uniqueness of my designs. (Note my profile schematics).

Btw, when I’m not listening to EWTN or CA Live in the car, I listen to old time radio on Sirius XM, they play Gunsmoke often.
Golf. I play golf almost every day. Hiking. Gardening. Reading the “Inspector Lynley” mysteries of Elizabeth George. (After six years in school, I’m kind of burnt out on theology books for now. I’ll get the urge again.) Playing with my adorable cat. Singing (took lessons for ten years, I’m a pretty good first soprano. Actually, I’m a light lyric soprano, who can sing coloratura roles due to a flexible voice. Thank you, God!)
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I enjoy watching movies, listening tango songs, some of my favourites are “Por una cabeza”, "Volver, “Nieve”, “Tiempos viejos”, “El choclo”, doing physical exercise (calisthenics), visiting museums.
I like to read the Bible daily.
I like to read the short stories of Jorge Luis Borges.
I wish I LIKED to exercise! I do it, but it is a struggle for me since I don’t enjoy it, except for golf and bicycle riding and hiking (guess that’s a lot). I mean work out in a gym.
Calisthenics are good 🙂 I must get back to do them (abbreviated version…) they are so good for strength and flixability.
It sounds like you prefer to exercise outdoors. So do I - Nordic walking is my exercise of choice. We don’t need no stinking gyms 😉
Not seeing my co-workers is one thing I miss since I retired.
By now, most all of my closest coworkers have also retired. We still keep in touch through texts, and we get together for lunch at least once a year. I worked with these same guys for 30 years! But you’re right, the daily comradery is one thing from work that I also sometimes miss (one of the few things 😁).
Regarding genealogy, it seems to me a very interesting hobby . I remember that some years ago I did a research about my genealogy. I found very interesting documents. For example: the certificate of baptism of a Spanish great-grandmother (1898), the certificates of birth of my Italian maternal great - grandparents.
I like to crochet (fast) and knit (slowly). I visit with my best friend (and take along my yarn-work), go out for meals, serve on a board of directors, lead my local Lay Carmelite Community, serve on our Adoration Committee, volunteer at least once a week for our local Catholic radio station, sing in choirs on the weekend and for funerals, and do other stuff in my free time.
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