When did we first have the bible (Catholic)

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(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) I’m In shock my brother just told me that our bible was published in 1952 and the King James Bible was here first I can’t find online when the catholic bible came but I know it was a looooooong time before the Protestant one
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I’m In shock my brother just told me that our bible was published in 1952 and the King James Bible was here first I can’t find online when the catholic bible came but I know it was a looooooong time before the Protestant one
It did. The Latin Vulgate was written in the time of St. Jerome (4th century). That is the Bible of the Catholic Church.

He’s woefully misinformed, and ignorant at worst.
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This version comes from multiple editions of Challoner’s revised Douay-Rheims Version of the Holy Bible. In 1568 English exiles, many from Oxford, established the English College of Douay (Douai/Doway), Flanders, under William (later Cardinal) Allen. In October, 1578, Gregory Martin began the work of preparing an English translation of the Bible for Catholic readers, the first such translation into Modern English. Assisting were William Allen, Richard Bristow, Thomas Worthington, and William Reynolds who revised, criticized, and corrected Dr. Martin’s work. The college published the New Testament at Rheims (Reims/Rhemes), France, in 1582 through John Fogny with a preface and explanatory notes, authored chiefly by Bristol, Allen, and Worthington.

Later the Old Testament was published at Douay in two parts (1609 and 1610) by Laurence Kellam through the efforts of Dr. Worthington, then superior of the seminary. The translation had been prepared before the appearance of the New Testament, but the publication was delayed due to financial difficulties. The religious and scholarly adherence to the Latin Vulgate text led to the less elegant and idiomatic words and phrases often found in the translation. In some instances where no English word conveyed the full meaning of the Latin, a Latin word was Anglicized and its meaning defined in a glossary. Although ridiculed by critics, many of these words later found common usage in the English language. Spellings of proper names and the numbering of the Psalms are adopted from the Latin Vulgate.
He just said that these 2 men “ Arthur Thomas Nelson/ Wayne a meeks , authors of RSV Bible” are the authors of the Catholic bible
He just said that these 2 men “ Arthur Thomas Nelson/ Wayne a meeks , authors of RSV Bible” are the authors of the Catholic bible
Well he’s wrong. It’s an approved Bible translation, not the Catholic Bible. That translation is based on and must be faithful to the Latin Vulgate.
Forwarded your answer honestly leaves me In shock the things he actually believes
Seriously, your brother is lying to you. He will not stop doing so. Do not engage with his claims. Ignore him. If he tries to start an argument, leave the room.

He is not simply mistaken; he is telling you flat-out lies designed to undermine your faith. Do. Not. Entertain. This.

I’m a Protestant, so please, please take me seriously when I say that he is not presenting you with honest Protestant arguments. Please, for your own sake, find a way to avoid and ignore his nonsense. I understand it’s hard living under one roof, but you have to find a way.
This was my reply (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
The KJV wasn’t even the first whole English Bible, let alone first English translation of scripture. English is also not the official language of Catholicism or Christianity, anyway. And… the claims are just too ridiculous. Does your brother not think the Bible existed before the printing press and the KJV?
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With all due respect, do we really need to have a new separate discussion about each odd idea your brother seems to be having?
None of his arguments make any sense. Seriously, they are just really in outer space to the point where it looks like he’s messing with you, as someone else commented on your other thread.

It’s one thing to address a genuine question someone has, but the things your brother is claiming are like Jack Chick’s extreme comics, so far out there that it’s a waste of time to even try to have a sensible discussion. It’s like if I were asserting that President Trump was an evil space alien in disguise plotting to take over the world. It’s that bad.

The Old Testament we the Catholics have comes pretty much directly from the “Septuagint” which was a translation from the Hebrew to the Greek done 270 years before Jesus’s birth.
The Canon of the New Testament was not completely settled until the Council of Trent and that was due to the attack by Martin Luther that tried to remove several books from it. Which he suceded in doing as he removed several of the Old Testament.
But the bible in its present form is quite old as early as the 270 AD,. The oldest complete (more or less) Bible we have today is the “Codex Vaticanus” which has been dated to the 4th Century!
The KJV version was formed by taking the Catholic Bible and removing some books from it. Simple as that. Without the Catholic Church, there would be no KJV.
Your brother is either extremely ignorant (misinformed) or intentionally deceptive - and horribly so. His argument doesn’t even make sense. Arthur Thomas Nelson is NOT the same Thomas Nelson known for Bible publishing, and the Thomas Nelson that is known for it was quite Protestant; he didn’t publish a Catholic Bible, let alone the first, not the first English one and certainly not the Church’s “official” one (which I’m not even sure is a thing, but it would probably be Latin).

I wouldn’t engage with him any further. He’s up to no good or simply beyond help.
This is what he sent me but I don’t even have that bible the bibles I have are the didache bible the new Ignatius catholic study bible and the catholic answer bible (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) then I sent him this
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