When discerning an idea to marry someone, shall I take into account her point of view (i.e.: she will have problems if I break up with her) or just my own?
I would break up with my GF. The problem is, she is already 33, and her life circumstances are now such that it is unlikely that she finds a good alternative. We have known each other for 5 years and dating for a little more than 1 year. She is a good candidate for me, but she is not a great one. If she had a good alternative and safe, happy future — I would let her go. I want her to be happy.
I would break up with my GF. The problem is, she is already 33, and her life circumstances are now such that it is unlikely that she finds a good alternative. We have known each other for 5 years and dating for a little more than 1 year. She is a good candidate for me, but she is not a great one. If she had a good alternative and safe, happy future — I would let her go. I want her to be happy.