When do non-Catholics view themselves as "not married anymore"?

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Actually, most Christian denominations accept divorce as the end of a marriage. They will tell you straight to your fact that God told them to divorce.
Then they don’t understand the clear words of Scripture.

There are times when I think we are the literal biblical fundamentalists, and they are the ones who are not — the Real Presence, matrimony as an indissoluble sacrament, priestly forgiveness of sins (binding and loosing, retaining and forgiving), and so on.
I don’t disagree, it is another thing that drove me to the Catholic Church!

A few years ago I sat at an extended family event. There were ministers there of several denominations. One was talking about divorce and remarriage, the other said “well, we had to change our bylaws. They stated that no one who had been divorced and remarried could serve as an elder or deacon, if we kept that law we would have no elders or deacons.”

In my lifetime I saw the Assemblies of God change their national policy that a divorced man could not hold a licence to preach.
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