But then the fallback position of the secularists is that we are not supposed to make laws regarding religious convictions, such as the existence of the soul, or when the soul begins to exist. So I think for the purposes of discussion it is better to refer to brain and mind than soul, unless we are talking among ourselves as Christians. The Supreme Court has to know that the human brain begins to be formed early in pregnancy. Therefore, a human being’s mind (such as it is at that stage) deserves the respect and protection of the medical community, not a fatal attack on its very existence through abortion.Philosophically (and theologically) speaking, the mind is a faculty of the soul, not of the brain. And personhood is attributed to being human. A human being by nature is a person. The mind needs the brain for expression, so is unobservable until later in development, as are the external behavioral elements attributed to personhood. But they are both present from the beginning. There is a danger in allowing human beings to be reduced to our brains.
I don’t see why lawyers and doctors don’t want to get together and issue a joint statement regarding the humanity of the fetus … at least as a starting point for talking about abortion as a violation of the Hippocratic Oath and an abomination against the unborn. .