Contrary to popular belief, chastity is not some far off virtue that can never be reached.
No one said it is. But the desire is still there regardless. Come to think of it, a priest said it was too, or maybe words to that effect, can’t remember.
Our current culture tells us that we should be thinking of sex all day long.
From birth it is ingrained into our minds that sex is the object of all things.
Every generation has said this, going as far back as the Roman and Greek classic ages, which should say something about the character of sex.
All films, adverts, books, websites (well, nearly all) promote such an attitude.
I am sure, that set in the middle of a mountain, freezing with snow, and a lack of food, sex would be the last thing on your mind.
Try fasting for two days solid, and see if sex still holds much importance.
We seek sex because our other needs are fulfilled.
Sex is a combined feature of many variables including drug(hormone,etc) and induced programming that occurs at puberty. So there is a physical initiation that occurs in everyone’s life.
The Nazis’s experiment on holocaust victims showed sex was very much alive and well among the ill and dying. These tests involved immersion in freezing water as well as other arrangements.
We can change this through suppressing some of our needs.
With some help by grace, but then that too may be part of the grand wager.
Not fulfilling them, denying the body pleasure.
Suppression, right. BTW: Some psychiatrists believe that the suppression is a cause for other sexual deviation such has masturbation,etc. In these cases they become substitutes for the normal expression.
Sex is the ultimate pleasure, but we will not desire it if all other BASIC needs are not fulfilled.
It is my understanding that in usual cases the desire does not diminish. If it does, it could be accountable by a physical feature of hormone diminishment due to aging, lowered libido due to environmental factors,health,etc.
Christ said “When you fast” not “If”, if we followed Him in this path, the current sexual abomination seen in our society would definetly not have held so much power as it does over todays Catholics.
Mat 19,12 “…Let him accept this teaching who can.”
Suggests that not all sacrifices are attainable by everyone, and that for some no matter how they strive, they can not attain it. Here he makes recognition of some men’s weakness in this regard, otherwise he would have said “all can accept this teaching regardless”, or simply would have left it out.