When is it okay to write cuss words in a fictional story if ever?

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As the author of a cozy mystery series, I have to keep my books clean for my target audience. Therefore, no f-bombs and words of that sort. Yes, there are some characters who would use that language, but it’s quite simple to write, “An expletive burst from his lips as he realized that his trusted partner had cheated on him.” or “She pretended not to hear the stream of profanity that he muttered as he tried to find a way out of their predicament.”

The only words I’ve used are “damn” and “hell” because it just doesn’t ring true when the cop gets shot for him to say, “Darn, that hurt like heck!” But any other words my fictional cop might use are kept “off screen” (as well as any sex and gratuitous violence.)
“Cuss” is a variation of “curse”. Those of us who went to school in the dark ages know that the curse words are “hell”, “damn” and sometimes “devil”.

It is a rare person these days who differentiates between a curse word and profanity.
I slightly disagree with the explanation of ‘curse.’ To curse someone or something is akin to taking God’s name in vein. To ‘cuss’ is to use profanity and is not in good taste and a crude use of any given langue. Just my opinion. Peace.
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