Gnostics and Arians. Thought so.The problem is that Ehrman spends most of his time in that book pulling all kinds of unscholarly tricks. He quotes selectively. He tells straightforward stories as if they are secrets or hidden, and he radically simplifies complicated things. Sometimes he says something that’s an outright lie. It gets worse in his later books.
If you look on patristic and Biblical scholars’ websites (and I particularly encourage you to look at the atheist ones’ websites), you will see that Ehrman’s “popularizations” are constantly being reviewed poorly because he lies to his readers who don’t know enough to call him on it. He used to have a good reputation which is he is now trampling down.
Christianity was a fairly lively group of people who were Jewish followers of Jesus, who was both God become man and the Messiah. Since they were famous for doing miracles and driving away demons, they attracted a lot of people who were occult-hungry as well as a lot of normal people. Many of the occult-hungry people went off to do their own occult thing, dressed up in fashionable Christian clothing. Others wanted a simpler, less Jewish Christianity and came up with “reasonable” ideas, like dropping most of the OT and NT, or believing that Jesus was a standard issue hero who wasn’t really divine, or a standard issue god who wasn’t really human.
But even at the time, everybody knew who was Catholic, and who was a weird offshoot. That’s why the weird groups usually had to appeal to “secret teachings,” or say that the ordinary Bible books didn’t count at all. That’s also why most offshoot groups didn’t have any martyrs. (To be fair, there were some. But most Gnostic groups didn’t hold with that messy death stuff, and certainly the Docetists didn’t.)
The only time you get serious cases of “other Christianities” that rival the Catholic Church is when there are schisms, which tend to start rather late; when we get to the Arians who also came along rather late; and the the few odd cases when heretical groups got somewhere first (which is mostly the Arians, again).