Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that Trader Joe supplies those little mini-shopper carts for kids. You know, the ones I hate with a passion and think should be outlawed. The ones I told my daughter she would never use until the day I died. Well, I saw them and I saw my chance. I told her she could use the cart to get the groceries as long as she paid for the groceries too. Didn’t even hesitate! Grabbed that puppy and started hauling toward the produce before I could reconsider if this had been a good idea or not. She went through the checkout and paid with the card and the lady gushed over her and offered her stickers. She said, “No thank you, I’m too old for stickers, but my brother would like them!” So that’s the good news. The bad news is that I set a precedent of using those horrible little carts. Watch your calves, people!