Hey @SuperLuigi,
Man, I’ve been thinking…Do you remember that episode in the OT when the Israelis ask God for a king? And do you remember God’s answer? 1 Samuel 8.
A few years ago I thought putting hope in politics is like asking for a king when we already have a King in heaven and His name is Jesus Christ.
So, departing from the point I stated above. I tend to think, and this as a criteria in how far I’m drifting from keeping things real, this when I somehow put hopes or expectations in politics (or politicians).
A simple exercise might be thinking, that perhaps more is to be achieved spending 30 minutes in Eucharistic adoration and praying a rosary there. Having confession up to date and having received communion recently. Because that might actually “move mountains”, “fill valleys”, and set something straight and help someone directly in dire need…
[And it might just achieve more than a ton of political debate, and one probably will come away from there feeling he did something.]
Getting involved in political debate, is also a vice and becomes a bad habit. A way of seeing things…A method of analyses…So many times incorrect and misleading. Those putting their faith in Jesus, and seeking Him, won’t be feeling they wasted their time, and perhaps got involved into something that always divides instead of uniting.