An interesting article.
That is absolutely not the point of the article. The author is actually serious!!I agree with that. And I think the point of the article is just that, and shows how pointless namecalling and flinging of insults is.
There’s always the good old “infinity plus two/five/ten/random number that is greater than one”When Someone Falsely Calls You a ‘Racist,’ Should You Call Him a Pedophile?
Maybe not pedophile, but you could say, “I know you are but what am I?” or “No, you are. Times infinity.” And then hope he doesn’t pull out “You are infinity plus one!” There’s really no recovering from infinity plus one.
From the article: “… tries to tie the pro-life movement to white nationalism. …”
This makes complete sense, since most abortions are performed on racial minorities, meaning that the babies of color are the ones more likely to be aborted, which . . . wait, that doesn’t make sense. Does it? :crazy_face:
And if there’s a stigma, so be it. I’ve got no problems stigmatizing the bad guys.What stigma? There are pedophiles.
Unless, of course, they are racists. Or paedophiles.We should call no one a racist; we should call no one a pedophile. It is a stigma.
Bingo! And wicked is not too strong a word, either. Doing something like that would be a serious offense against the truth, not to mention against charity. If someone would defend the good in such a way, they deserve to hear, "Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle to me. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” Matt. 16:23But the article seems to be advocating calling people pedophiles when you have no reason to believe they actually are. That is wicked.